kute kitty xxx
Oh, its allright for some!! I have been almost begging for one of those suspended chairs for ages! The only reply I get is, "When I buy my 30ft truck we'll install one there" :P so i'm happy but this is almost a year later and still no truck!!
On that note actually, we were thinking of painting it black or something with a large half woman half cat on the side, something not too eyeopening but that runs in line with the whole kutekittykruiser theme if you know what I mean :twisted:
So if anyone knows someone that is any good at art on a large scale or have any ideas we would be very greatful
The idea eventually would be to be able to go on working holidays around the u.k and possibly meet up with some people on the site, go to a few clubs etc. 8) cool or what! Well going back to my first subject I so want a suspended chair like that :dry:
kute kitty xx
Just popped in to see if I can nick any space for a kip, can't help the lads in a big way today- feelin a little rough but if I just curl up by this chair I should get mistaken for a foot stool, then I can have a good revitalising snooze!
curls up into a small ball and drifts off into slumberland
kkitty xx zzzzzzzzzzz :sleeping:
Although I have voted I also think that I go for a wider age than has been allowed on the vote, as said before it just depends on the people taking part and the situation they're in.
kute kitty xx
I'm too tickleish for anyone to go near my belly button, I just tend to squeal and squirm and giggle - just can't help it
We will be invaded by some aliens who don't like the idea of sex and all its ajoining wonders so they put us all in separate cages to watch pornos and die a slow lonely death.
We all pop our cloggs coz we are over exhausted from sex and all its wonders - I know which I would choose!! :twisted:
KKitty xx
How do you send ur vote? We know which way we want it to got but I'm not sure how to vote??