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Over 90 days ago


Last weekend we were chatting to a guy who knew a lot about the new club Utopia and he says it was going to be great. We have cheked out the web page and it looks good, definitely worth a visit. We were thinking of going A.S.A.P wink
No we don't have an ad yet. And no you havn't been a pain, infact you are the only person to have replied. We are on our way to Birmingham soon so wish us good luck!!
kutekitty xx wink
This weekend we are planning a trip upto Birmingham and thought about making our first visit to a club. redface We chose club Xtasia from its webpage and have read the reviews on this site. We were wondering if anyone could give us any other helpful info on what to wear, especially for men and the sort of thing to expect. Maybe if you've been there and could give us a few extra tips please. That would be cool. 8)
Thanks Kutekittykruiser xxx lol
kute kitty xxx
I was poorly for quite a while including my 21st birthday at the end of November :cry:
What I still havn't done.... is celebrate. If anyone has any ideas what my beat male mate and I can do to help me belatedly celebrate let us know, we try but we never hear of anything going on areound Bath or Bristol.
So I just wanna say I'M 21 HOOOORAYYY!!! biggrin
Oh, its allright for some!! I have been almost begging for one of those suspended chairs for ages! The only reply I get is, "When I buy my 30ft truck we'll install one there" :P so i'm happy but this is almost a year later and still no truck!!
On that note actually, we were thinking of painting it black or something with a large half woman half cat on the side, something not too eyeopening but that runs in line with the whole kutekittykruiser theme if you know what I mean :twisted:
So if anyone knows someone that is any good at art on a large scale or have any ideas we would be very greatful
The idea eventually would be to be able to go on working holidays around the u.k and possibly meet up with some people on the site, go to a few clubs etc. 8) cool or what! Well going back to my first subject I so want a suspended chair like that :dry:
kute kitty xx
Hi everyone, just to say a second hello after so long, i've decided being poorly, especially all over christmas is really not fun! :cry:
So a belated Merry Christmas and a less belated Happy New Year and I hope it went well for you all. wink
After having a look around again i've seen that a lot of the names that i had become famillier with seem to have melted into the background, have I missed something confused:
I did get a digital camera for Christmas though so it looks like it will be fun for the new year. Matbe I could eventually get some pics posted when I work the darn thing out!!
Hope we can slip back into swinging heaven :!:
Kute Kitty and Kitty Kruiser xx
Just popped in to see if I can nick any space for a kip, can't help the lads in a big way today- feelin a little rough but if I just curl up by this chair I should get mistaken for a foot stool, then I can have a good revitalising snooze!
curls up into a small ball and drifts off into slumberland
kkitty xx zzzzzzzzzzz :sleeping:
Although I have voted I also think that I go for a wider age than has been allowed on the vote, as said before it just depends on the people taking part and the situation they're in.
kute kitty xx
Humpty Dumpty fucked a fat whore,
Humpty Dumpty fell on the floor,
All the kings horses and all the kings men,
Bent the bitch over and fucked her again.
errrr,.... hope the language use is allowed redface
Mary had a little sheep,each night with it she did sleep,
Until she found it was a ram, now mary has a little lamb!
Corny, but i've got sooooooooooooo many thousands of different versions!!
Wont bore you though unless you want a few more confused:
kkitty xx
surpriseduch: No No NO NOOOOOO!!!
Again where is the neither option.
I just cringe at the thought of it. :cry:
gud luck to those that have it though
kkitty xxx
in the gfz u get lotsa lol
several :twisted:
and a large amount of wink
if you know what i mean :!: :!:
its soooooo 8)
Nude pool sounds cool although knowing my friends the cues wouldn't just be for hitting balls with, ( lol ) but there would cretainly be several ways to chalk the cue. Drinking games or cards maybe??
I was thinking about the darts thing, don't they do a velcro type game now? confused:
Also what about skittles, a very popular pub game and many have the ally in back rooms seperate from the rest of the pub so it wouldn't cause any concerne for the rest of the pub users!!
Just a thought, kkitty xx
when I was a Brownie about 10yrs back I went to camp in a town called Puddle town where the river (a tiny little stream) was called the piddle river and the pub was called the Piddle Inn!!
Well even in my little mind back then it had me rotflmao
kutekitty xx
I'm too tickleish for anyone to go near my belly button, I just tend to squeal and squirm and giggle - just can't help it
Am I to late to be included with all the others?? I want to take part..... I maybe new but up for a bit of written fun!!
Kute Kitty xx wink
Unfortunatly iv'e gotta dissagree with this one as iv'e had a rebounded dart in my leg before, :cry: . It went in half way and i'm sure it would have gone in further if I hadn't have been wearing demin jeans. Saying that pub games sound fun and i'm sure sum1 mite help out or you might have sparked a few ideas in anyone that comes to this site who owns a pub smile
kk- xxx
Remember all young people like me, (i'm the 20yr old part of kkk) we can learn lots from the older peeps who can pass on great wisdom and techniques, but also remember it IS possible to teach an old dog new tricks! biggrin
I'm lovin the learning part of all this and every day gets better, enjoy it rather than claiming to know tonnes, in my experience claiming to want to learn has lead to some very willing teachers (much to my advantage and pleasure :twisted: )
Kute kitty XX 20 and proud to be learnin!!
We will be invaded by some aliens who don't like the idea of sex and all its ajoining wonders so they put us all in separate cages to watch pornos and die a slow lonely death.
We all pop our cloggs coz we are over exhausted from sex and all its wonders - I know which I would choose!! :twisted:
KKitty xx
Unfortunatly my darlin little car has a heater that squeels like a piggy at the slightest hint of cold weather although she runs lovely in the summer confused
here you go djohn, i'll give you some of my ID flavoured lube, brill stuff, best i've found yet. biggrin
All tastes the flippin same tho', oh appart from the bubble gum!
so it was solar flare ups all the time, an' I just thought it was wind - makes sense tho'.
Oh yeh, the horses love a little T.L.C!!!
After sending this message and then re-reading it I sorta realised what I had done but oh well!! lol nevermind, certainly made us chuckle and I don't think i'll hear the end of it down here
Clocks go back already?? Awwww, oh well that just means that there's more time for being indoors and there's nothing better than cuddling up (and more) under a warm duvet when i've just been out in the cold doing the horses. biggrin
kutekitty xx
How do you send ur vote? We know which way we want it to got but I'm not sure how to vote??
I just wondered what everyone thought of the musical on channel four tuesday night? (if you saw it)
My friend and I watched the whole thing in a bit of confusion and wonder at the caterwalling and strange musical effects.
Saying that however as I watched it, it sorta grew on me, slightly odd though it was the way that the girls were portrayed. It was certainly different and i've got to say i'm no worse off from the experience.
Although it did become a little tedious :dry:
Like I said, I just wondered if anyone else saw it and would like to give their opinion, smile
kutekitty xx
Yes Rocky Horror thats the answer, as to yours I don't have a clue!!?
Any other thing to keep us warm on a cloudy night, apart from the duvet that is hump biggrin
Ok I got the stuff about the coffin, the screggs and the H2O, but what the hek is the early whirly probibility thingy about?? Give us the formula and THEN we'll try!!
Ok, just coz i'm confuzzed sum1 try this (also an oldie)
It walks on four legs at dawn, two at midday and three at sunset, what is it??
There are two nuns in the bath, one says, 'wears the soap!?, The other says' 'it does doesn't it!?'
ok so its not really a riddle but I like it anyway.. biggrin
Kute kitty xxx
Hi, Michael.
hello to you, im new here to and im the kutekitty part of kkk, I just wanted to say hi and let you know that the 'i wanna get out there' feelin happened to me over a year ago, after a two year relationship I needed revivin and had unfortunatly gone off sex, thankfully my now best friend has revived the adventurous side in me and although there are no relationships on the horizon i'm full of fun and lovin every min of it so go for it and make the best of it, GOOD LUCK! biggrin
kutekitty x