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Over 90 days ago


Beginning of last year i broke my banjo string.
Very badly, was sooo much blood was unbelievable, didnt realise it had happened till after, we loooked down and she said well its not me!
She had to drive me hospital in my car, she is still learning to drive now, had to get it stiched up. Was painful.
I have watched a clip of this and yes she did go to garden to masturbate.
Personally i dont see the problem, wish the world was a little more open, masturbating, almost everyone does it, yet its still tabboo...why??
sex wasnt frowned upon iin the BB house, whats the difference here?
I went to a mixed boarding school so it was when i was 13.
Was with one of the teachers daughters who was 16.
Was more of a fumble than sex, we did get better until we got caught out.
After her though was not until i was 16 next time.
Best thing ive heard this week is
"You are possibly the only person i know, no matter what happens, you will be there to help"
That made me feel great
Quote by Sgt Bilko
and someone is willing to give me a hand

why thank you bilko.....i feel appreciated now smile
well once i get my broadband in the new place...few more days
and someone is willing to give me a hand i will put pics up, have no idea how to.
It always makes me feel good that people have met their soulmate
I do hope that one day i will meet my soulmate, I do believe that she is out there somewhere, keeping her eye out for me
for me it has to be three things
tummy, tits and eyes
tummy, i love i nice tummy
tits, i like i nice pert pair
eyes, gateway to the soul, if they capture you such a turn on
Yeah i was in a very happy stable relationship with the girl who i loved (Well still do)
but one month we had an accident, with birth control and she ended up pregnant. Well this was a huuuuge decision for us, both of us anti abortion; in the end decided to have a termination. The wrost decision either of us have ever made, we both agree on that.
Well we both have been on anti depressants since, found it very hard to do a lot. We both see each other, but found sex a problem, as it was too emotional; hence why we are both single now.
We still love each other, and think the world of each other; but will always remain apart due to the stae we both got over it.
Ever since then i havent wanted a relationship, due to the fact no one matches up to her.
ok who wants to go out with me on my arm then?
is this gonna double my chances?
What a load of crap
everyone here has been friendly to me, even when i ask stupid stuff!
Not got a bad word to say about neone on here biggrin
good news there for ya hun
smile :) :) :) :) :)
yeah i had this fear not long ago too.....was very scary
but not breast, was my testicle
found a lump, shook me up, as was quite large and painful by that point, eventually went to docs.
was gone after 2 weeks on anti biotics
now check myself regularily, never did before. :
Quote by kazswallows
what happens at munchies?

you put one in your mouth, suck the chocolate off, then suck the toffee and then chew the biscuit bit
dunno blink lol
sounds a bit over dramatic for eating a chocolate if u ask me
i jsut put in mouth and chew
Are their social meets very often, me being new and alll shy and innocent, would like to take part in a social meet first.
I dont know if this goes on?
or what would people's thoughts on maybe arranging one sometime?
right now i wasnt going over 100 when i was last caught speeding, but...
i have a fair few points on my licence 15 now
due to being caught speeding in car, and my car attracts policemen like flies due to me being young and driving it, so instantly think stolen.
When i went to caught my lawyer said to claim special dispensation due to me being self employed, and losing my business and income if i was to lose licence, this made thee magistrates give me a rather large fine, and tell me not to do it agin. So as a result gt 15 points, and still allowed to drive.
i could be interested in something like that
if can get a couple of girls too
hello there fellow yorkshire poster smile
I cant do chatroom so ive never used it....from what i heard i dont think my brain could cope with the
All religious ppl close your eyes now...
As i used to be a choirboy while at school in 6th form once there late one evening and ended up getting a little bit steamy with one of the girls who was also back. Well what can i say best sex session ever!!!!
on the altar..will god forgivee me?!!!
Right so i am sat at home all work done now so a little bit bored so i have a poll results must b in before 3.
so go on help me to decide smile
Quote by Aldeway
I didnt read properly did i redface
Fern Britton, would love to get raunchy with her biggrin

FB??? :shock: Geez! I could never wake up with anything that was that chirpy in the morning mad . Not sure how long I'd resist the temptation to meet that grin with a half brick.
Gimme naughtynymphosanyday (or several times a day, preferably.... :twistedsmile.
Or at a push I might be persuaded to change my name to Minogue if Kylie rang me again.
Call me crazy.
nope fern would be ideal :) could marry that lady!
as for naughtynymphos i dont know her so cant sure she is equally awesome!
Now this may sound a bit of an odd one but my lower arms, from my elbows down including hands!
LOL a little bit of a strange one, but would change most other things, working on my shape being more pleasing to the eye