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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52


how many men like to see a "VPL" on a nice firm ass?
how many women like to show a "VPL"? smile
what mens views on women wearing them or women telling us what they like.
im looking for both females and males to post on this forum. biggrin
i myself love a women who wears a nice set of brief knickers as im not a thong fan.
i love reds and purples in a nice silky material. please tell me what type of knickers you all like styles and colours?
lol to you all billy xx
biggrin i love hairy pussy on a lady. but it seems out of fasion these days!!
looking for both men's and women's views on the subject.
billy xx
last day to add??
any ladies or gent with a pregnant or lactating wife or girlfriend reading this?? cool
i think it slipped to far down the list, so any other tatooed females looking at this like to add there views or pics?
or msn or e mail me?
billy xxx
thank you all for reading, but would still like to see more pics if your a lady with a tattoo.
billy xxx
still looking for a pregnant lady, or one who is lactating and has pics or web cam?
are you out there?? rolleyes
billy xxxx
told that i need to place the topic in this room of the forum, so here it is.
ladies if you have a tatoo, then pls say what you have got and were it is?
do you have any pic to show us all, or any private 1's for me on msn or to e mail?
thanyou all for reading
billy xxx biggrin
still looking to chat to pregnant women or men who have a pregnant wife or girlfriend at the moment.
i love to see pic but then dont we all lol
mums tell me how sexy you felt when you were pregnant?
how big did your tits get, and how dark did your nipples go?
lol to you all for reading
billy xxx
biggrin :D there are so many men who find pregnant women so sexy.
there must be more women who read this site who manybe are a little shy to say how horny and sexy they were while pregnant.
billy xxx
id love to see pics or chat with pregnant women about how they felt, how sexy they thought they were. Did they like to have there milk sucked by there partner? were they horny? ect
billy xxx
how many men enjoyed there wives or girlfriend when they were pregnant? and how many mum's use this site?
pls get in contact.
billy xxx
any women reading this post your if your wife/ girlfriend is pregnant or lactaing maybe u have pics or web cam?
thanks billy
but still would like to hear from more women wether pregnant now or want to tell about there pregnancies
still wanting to hear from any ladies pregnant or lactating at the moment, or who would like to say how they enjoyed being pregnant.
id love to see pics of web cam through msn.
thaank to all so far.
billy xxx smile
still looking to hear from a pregnant lady or couple.
i love big dark nipples, swollen breasts and belly lol
just so sexy.
billy xxxx
im a 30 yo male from nottingham, who loves pregnant ladies and would love to meet or web cam with anyone pregnant or lactaing ladies.
single females or couples, although i am str8, would love to play with a pregnant lady with her partner, the bigger the better.
many thanks billy xx smile
smile pls get in touch if your out daytime thurs and are looking for a male to join in or watch..
hi im bill from north notts, im looking for daytime meetings either to watch or join in this thursday around notts/derby/lincs/leic areas.
no single males pls.
im 5"11 blue eyes brown hair, like most things esp bigger women but not that fussed so hope i dont put anyone off.
thanks for reading my message and good luck im not what you are after. smile
are you looking for a single male?
if so wereabouts do u meet?
billy xx
any females or couples out and about the the notts area tonight, as im a single male looking.
pls get in touch
many thanks
bill smile