lovely summer night, ideal weather for a bit of what you fancy! has anyone in the Liverpool got any plans for the early hours later on? all this hot weather brings out the best kind of outdoors fun...!
I went past Mod edit: location deleted last night on the off chance there was anything going on and 2 ladies were hanging around by their car with a disabled guy sat inside watching. A blonde girl and a brunette, the brunette was very nice indeed - anyone here know what I am on about, I would love the chance to chat with the girl in question perhaps, dogging is not the best way to get to know someone after all! It was at about 2am and they'd already started to draw quite a crowd...!
hi guys... I couldn't spy a "Hello I'm new here!" thread, so this will have to do (save starting yet another little-used thread!).
My name's Matty I'm 30 years old and from Merseyside. Like Andy I'm not a fireman either... I am a doorman though, if that's any use!
Hi everybody! A wank club sounds like a great idea - if this is more than just talk I'd love to come along, meet and greet in a relaxed yet randy atmosphere. Whoever would be the host, please PM me with details!