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Over 90 days ago


words fail you? that will be a first!
we all have to start working on our costumes for next time now!
Bluddy ellfire!!!!!!!
:eeek: :eeek:
Well done!

sigh.. that was fun! lol
Lucrezia puts on her best ball gown,
After all this is a special night
She wants to look her very best
The audience don’t want a fright!
Its time now to all take our masks off,
The end of the masquerading stunt,
Lucrezia had charm, wit and beauty,
While my assets are all kept up front!
My PM box has been over flowing
Throughout the whole of this game
But despite all of your random guesses
Not one of you got right my name!
Some of you thought I was “rocky”
Why u thought I’m a man words do fail!
I might not be as glamorous as lucrezia
But I swear to you.. I am female!
The messages suggested I’m “arty”
But that was quite wrong in its self,
My education lies in the sciences
so I’ll never have lucrezia’s wealth
the closest you came was accidental,
you tried to make lucrezia’s name short,
when you spoke aloud her new nickname,
you actually had my name of a sort!
A lot of you thought I was Monty,
And some of u suggested “the muse”,
The other main guess was I am Alex ,
Well I am NONE of them, Is that bad news?
I really did try to help you
Referred to things I’ve said before.
Like I mentioned the differences in ages,
Well u should all know I’m 24!
Not one person came even close,
And its too late now, soon you will see.
You’ll kick your self when you realise
That its well-busty –babe who is me!
Quote by Christopher Lee
Time to whip off the mask...

i thought you were "the bear"
Quote by Jags
I need a LARGE glass to get through the evening -

here, have this one i prepared earlier! wink
Quote by Cyrano de Bergerac
rocky! hey!
as someone who was surprised to click thru the 300 last nite when i thought i was all out on 280 odd, bloody well done. and yes, exactly, whole hearted agreement etc etc oin all your sentiments. seems this weekend the good times are back in full effect! roll on the next 500 ((( and my next few pieces of tosh! )))
cyrano! ;-) :P

as you have made a truely awfull job of disguising yourself, perhaps you would care to be first to "un mask"!
Quote by MrsFC
lucrezia You are brave enough to say no to Sarge :shock: :shock:

I am brave enough to say no to anyone!
do i need to remind you the fate of many of my enemies?
Quote by MrsFC
" Could all you people take of your masks and start revealing yourself as from this evening (wbb to you )

Quote by DAVlD BENT
hold my pint too can you please.?

no problem :twisted:
Quote by DAVlD BENT
Alright lads, look I may not be around much later.

Quite possibly lol
Quote by Eliza Doolittle
Eeerr lucreziaaah borgiaaah
I would like to be your friend, but you will have to lower yourself very low as i'm no were near ya status.
Not yet anyways, but I try ard. confused

hmmm perhaps i can find a "position" for you in the household. it will have to be a below stairs one though.
have you any experience as a scullery maid?
I like to do my bit to help people further themselves socially you know!
Quote by DAVlD BENT
Look Lucrezia, I've just bought this Babycham for you.

It is not often that anyone wants to partake of ale or wine with me nowadays, I cant fathom why!
Perhaps I can dally for a short time with you, shall we adjourn to the banquet hall?
Tell me about this babycham beverage, is it made from REAL babies?
I fear some of the servants may discover I have partaken of it, and I do hate the thought of being centre stage in yet ANOTHER scandal!
Perhaps we can sup some sahcks instead.
Quote by DAVlD BENT
Stay and drink it with me, or the lads will laugh their socks off and take the piss ........

what type of "mates" are these? that they will steal the chamber pot from under your very bed?!!!!!!!
Quote by DAVlD BENT
what could you give me that i would want?
and only ONE? your cheap scoundrel!

Lets see how we get on eh?
Barman, Babycham for the lady and I'll have another one of them lagers for nutters eh.
Bit of a nutter here Lucrezia, don't worry you will get used to me.
I applaud your persistence don Brent, however I shall have to decline!
I have a rather pressing prior engagement with the beau of donna Bennett
Quote by Eli the Ugly

It pleases me to read that you’re “magnificent with a rope round your neck”, because if you continue to speak to me in such a insulting and derogatory manner you will indeed have a rope round your neck!
Quote by DAVlD BENT
Hello Lucrezia, fancy a drink, I will give you one eh? wink

what could you give me that i would want?
and only ONE? your cheap scoundrel!
Quote by Elizabeth Bennett
Misstress Borgia
I would most willing sit and converse with you. You should know that in my heart I do not totally agree with class boundaries.
I do fear you misunderstand me - I am not competing for the affections of these 'gentlemen' as my heart is pledged to my Mr Darcy. If I gain the attention of any of the other guests I can only say that I have done nothing to prompt them.
I thank you for the kind offer of some wine, but as I have already commented, I will not partake of fermented beveridges just now. I am content with my goblet of water.
Now on what subject would you like to talk? Is there a particular gentleman who has come to your attention?
Oh and please call me Lizzie as my sisters do - I feel we will become good friends - May I call you Lucy?

I understand your reluctance to accept the differences between us that are caused by my higher social status, incomparable beauty and unrivalled charm. It is perfectly natural for you to be jealous of me. I understand this wholeheartedly and will endeavour to make exceptions for this during the course of our newly forged friendship.
Pray tell me about this “Mr. Darcy” of yours, I believe I have not yet had the pleasure of his acquaintance. I suspect that if he is enough to make your heart go a flutter he is a very fine specimen of man. Please inform him I will be sending for him at some point during the day in order to familiarize myself with him.
No need to worry dearest Lizzy, as a token of my affection towards you, I will return him to you unharmed when I have finished my dalliance with him. Look upon it as a favour from me to you, I will make a MAN of him, and will ask nothing in return from you!
I feel quite light headed at the thought, these charitable acts quite agree with me!
As for you competing for the affections of the rabble of gentleman (loosely worded) , I have no fear, I just wanted to prepare you for the inevitable knock backs you would face if you had been silly enough to try and compete with me.
I will have one of the servants bring a jug of iced water for your enjoyment, it looks as though I will be consuming the wine alone AGAIN!
I am SO glad we have become friends, it does me well to see that I am able to lower myself to your level and ignore the differences between us. We get on sooo well, I look forward to summonsing you to spend many happy hours in my company.
I fear your closeness to me may cause some jealousy amongst the other commoners so please be prudent as to whom you converse with.
Also, I feel it may be a little TOO familiar for you to call me Lucy, Madame or your highness shall suffice for now.
Your dear and true friend
Quote by DAVlD BENT
No wonder this thread has been taken over by just the lads, none of it is in proper English. I can understand it all of course. But the ladies won't find it so easy. Give them a break eh?
This rhyming stuff is good very good, but it's not going to get you a shag is it. Ladies just don't dig that stuff, they prefer plain talking straight up guys ...... the regular lad, but also someone they can relate to ...... I don't like to blow my own trumpet as you know but the ladies, they like that I can talk about their problems, they feel at ease with me. I haven't been in this business this long and not learnt a thing or two about women, I can tell you. Once they feel at ease, then you can move in for the shag. Ditch this so called 'clever' stuff, yeh? Tell a few jokes - a bit like Fozzy, but better if you know what I mean. The birds will be in here in no time with their tits out and gagging for it.

All this talk of ladies. I fear never in your life have you had the chance to gaze at a lady, let alone converse with a lady! Who are you to presume to know what a LADY wants!
Be gone, back to your common wenches and never again let me hear you have dared to express such thoughts.
Quote by Elizabeth Bennett
Good afternoon fine people.
I have had to come inside lest the sun disturbs my porcelain complexion.
The ballroon is quiet just now - I may just lie quietly on the chaise-lounge until the party resumes. Gosh this bodice is tight, I am feeling quite faint.
God one of you fine gentleman get me a glass of water please - No, not that champagne, I had some the other evening and I do believe I was on the verge of losing my virtuousity.
Miss E. Bennett
Virginal spinster of the parish

Donna Bennett,
It appears that we are both competing for the affections of the fine gentlemen of the court. Perhaps we should sit together and converse on the subject, whilst partaking of some of the particularly fine wine I have brought with me.
Pray, sit down and I will pour you a goblet full.
I am in great need of a female friend and for this reason I am willing to consider an alliance with you.
Now stop those protestations, I am aware you know your place in this world and are lithe to overstep the class boundary. Admittedly it would have been better had you been my equal socially, but I am graciously willing to overlook that minor detail.
I leave out the ballroom for one night
And look what I come back to find..
Not only it’s claimed I am rumbled,
But the “proof” has been sealed and signed!
The PM’s come through fast and furious,
From everyone playing in here
But none of you know who I really am,
No one has even come near!
Well I say that, but hey, can you trust me?
After all I am here in disguise.
I may be as honest as the day comes,
But then again I may revel in lies.
Quote by Eli the Ugly
Ha! I gotta youa there. I deedna say Groucho was a Montmerency I saya One wasa. Prove mea wrong Or I blow youra head offa!

lucrezia and montmorency are not one,
however they HAVE conversed in rhyme!
Between these two alter egos,
Both similarities and differences are rife.
Lucrezia had at least 3 husbands.
The other was never a wife
lucrezia could be very loving
But alas she also bred fear.
Another of our things in common.
Twins, but for about 520 year.
A few clues to give some assistance
But will you guess ? we will see.
We all know who Lucrezia Borgia was
But how many of you know it is me?
it pleases me to see that others have had the same problem.
i have had many "lurkers" within the palace walls.
i have found that feeding them to the tigers in the menagerie is a reasonably efficient deterrent to them.
Quote by miss whiplash
A ball
and I LOVE balls.........
just thinking of them, well it makes my mouth water......?

miss whiplash,
welcome to the ball.
may i ask, are you related to the official whipper and lasher employed by my father to keep the peasants under control?
Quote by willxx69
Miss Borgia, pleased to meet you too. Errrrrm, I'll pour my own wine if you don't mind. Nothing personal (much!!). Am I free? Well, depends on what you mean by free. Free to chat, certainly (in between checking the printer) but the position (ooo-er, missus) of official muse is already filled (and completely fulfilled). Still, it is nice to pop back in here and catch up with old friends - and I am always happy to make new acquaintances too. Now, could someone pass me a glass of red wine? Err, not you Lucrezia, thank you :shock:

Pray tell what offer you thought I was making?
I have been betrothed since the age of 11! Do I look like the kind of girl to indulge in fornication and erotic liaisons with anyone but my dearly beloved husband?
Answer whilst you can, before the tongue is ripped from your mouth with pincers!
Quote by The Prisoner
Enough of your insolence or I shall have you bound and thrown in the Tiber!

If we are being grammatically correct, shouldn't that be thrown 'into' the Tiber?
I surmise that you may be having trouble in translating from your native Latin. The action of being thrown in would be indicated by Tiber being in Accusative form whilst the result of being thrown in would be indicated by Ablative form.
I hope this is of assistance.
a great help kind sir!
perhaps you can ponder on my lack of education when my husband , the Count, has you thrown in the dungeon! biggrin
Being thrown INTO the dungeon holds no terror. Remember, I have already been a prisoner since 1967. Also, your use of commas indicates a level of education that you are trying to disguise. Mmmmmm.
Care for a ride in a Rover?
No. 6.
A rover?
Is that one of those new-fangled glass carriages?
I fear I have not the heart to step foot on one - I hear they can travel at speeds of up to 12 miles per hour!
As for my education, I admit it was of the highest standard, I am most highly skilled in the arts of seduction, murder and intrigue!