well Pete
only you could organise a night out in durham same weekend as the reggatta
no wonder theres a lack of hotel rooms
loves ya really
hi babes can ya add another 2 people to our name please they memebers but their tinternets down and didnt know this was going on
ty kriz
yippeee finally got a room
After the sucess of the last Durham do
put us on the list please
Hotty what a star, we had a fantastic night meeting all our old pals and making lots of new ones, know what was better the slug lloyds or yates, possibly the hotel afterwards, as we say we had a great night
great people great fun great night
Lemon same here and its our first time drinking in |Durham
although i know a few canny pubs from a long time ago.
totally looking forwards to it
we deffo comming even booked a hotel for the night
oh yes its me him and one other if she gets her ass down from edinburgh
well rooms booked
thanks Pete for the info
ooo so taking from hotels being booked ect its gonna be DURHAM
let me know if this is deff as i need to book some where as well and make sure he home
for it.
we would be up for that
Go on hot put our names down for it
should be fun
Ill give it a go
im very chatty when i want
If hes around or not can we come a bed space would be appreciated
UNless im working next day we will be there
Me and Mr
bumpity bump
jumpity jump
humpity hump
lumpity lump
OOO day before my BD please add me and Mr ty
just found out im working late on the sat and early on the sun so we wont be able to make it
I hate work
We would love to come but it all
depends on my hours and if i
to look after the place i work at on the sat night
bet i do
see you all god willing
ps if we cant make it ill let ya know
Put us down as a provisional
i may or may not be on duty the next day
so it would nice to get out
Talisker please no ice a nice portion of male on the side
settling for the night
Was a brill night as usual and the company was as good as ever,
poor Kaz couldn't believe Greggs was open at 12 and had a bouncer on the door
oh to be a country bumpkin but a sexy one at that.
we didn't snog many people but we snogged ourselves to get rid of them instead
same here where when and what venue the meet up is
if we can make it we will see you there
lust and Habit
Tagz has messaged one of the lasses and cancelled the whole evening
sorry about this lads as I know us girls were well looking forwards to
could a admin please lock this for us as tagz hasnt bothered informing all the people
send me the info as well Kaz
might be handy to have it
hey billy ive got a big list of the people comming and your on teh top of it heheheh
mind it is alphabetical