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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 61
0 miles · Kent


hi yes to all. would love to come. wanted to write something funny but my minds gone blank.
can i come? can i? can i?
we gonna have jelly and ice cream too?
dont know if this is allowed if not i do apologise.- have you tried the huns yellow pages. it is excellent err so my mate says. google it to find
just been reading the thread about we vwe etc. as a bi-male i am very shallow and it is the only thing i am interested in a bloke so it matters to me. but does it matter to the girls or is it just a male hang-up. tell us the truth and dont worry about our feelings
interesting thread but my twopenneth says the big problem nowadays is a lack of fear in the children and an inability to cope with loosing. this may sound brutal but a few posts have hinted close. when we were kids we were AFRAID to misbehave because we knew there were consequences for any bad behaviour and i dont necessarily mean a beating. in societies attempt to eliminate child abuse which i agree is heinous, we have gone too far and made the children realise that anyone who confronts them can be prosecuted for intimidating or phsical violence against a minor. and i dont necessarily mean attacking them with baseball bats but a simple shove is a criminal offence. todays society has also molly coddled these kids thru-out school, they no longer do competetive games or races - check out your own kids sports days. right thru their GCSEs they are told what to do, what to write and how to get the best results. the exams themselves have been dumbed down and the marking systems changed so no-one in todays school system has to fail or loose. so when these kids are faced with a situation where they are faced down or dont get their own way or made to look like a looser in front of their mates they cannot handle it and we have a totaly extreme reaction from them to ensure they are the winner or dont loose face in front of their peers and end up killing an inocent and public spirited member of the society that created this situation in the first place. i have six children who have been brought up with the same aim as our parents had, two are too young at 18 months and six years but of the other four two are at university and the other two are doing their a levels. they werent beaten or abused but brought up to respect others and with the knowledge that there were repurcussions for bad behavior. so i think the blame lies with us for allowing the situation to spiral whilst trying to do our best to ensure the welfare of the children against the perverts of society who i feel shouldnt have any human rights whatsoever but that is a different thread maybe. a certain amount of blame does lie with children but do you know a child who will not take full advantage of a situation ?
i keep takin my phone out for a drink but we havent progresed onto anything physical yet. i have had my phone for three years now, do you think i am wasting my time
legging it into the bushes seems to raise thier hackles, bit like a terrier with a rabbit. have seen many a dooger who legged it into the bushes persued by darth vader and his stormtroopers, so it may not be that good an idea. keep out of sight and calmly leave by the exit may be a better idea. i actualy can spell but fall down on the typing
hi if from yer location the place you were in is connected to a tree then the kent police have been hitting this place quite hard over the last few weeks, but in answer to your question as long as you are not caught with yer trousers down or nuts deep in somebody the police can do nothing at all. they know why you are there and the kent chief of police has vowed to stamp out this antisocial behaviour ( seems friendly to me tho) so they are trying to scare people off. they have my name and address so many times i must be on everybodies xmas card list by now. having said that trouble between the boy racers and some doggers has flared physicaly in recent weeks so watch yerself mate. hey you never know but we may already know each other.
thats what i like about the internet,you have a burning question and you post it on a forum confident in the knowledge that some clever dick is going to post an answer and make you feel stupid for not knowing, it was so bloody obvious. So i makes me post and what pearls of wisdom rain from the omnipotent one- "probably". with one swift stroke ,with the wisdom of soloman and the genius of pythagoras all my problems are--- exactly the same as before. love the answer you two split my sides, said it before and i will say it again lovely ass jackie,or is it ben
hi just a quickie anyone know any wap sites for dogging,or am i spending too much time on the net?
hi wife2shag ride an old kwak 750 with an offer like that will keep an eye out. biker dogging club an idea but wont we all fall off the pillion seat? And like shyone said taking a pee is a major exercise for a contortionist when in wet weather gear.
can be hard (sorry difficult) when its raining usualy end up with just its hardhat sticking out so tend to not go in the rain or just put up with gettin wet for the night.I dont pull up next to cars cause that is just blody rude usualy park at the top of my usuall haunt where i can see what is going on and walk up to cars,so bearing in mind other bikers get lucky and ugly blokes too i am developing a personality complex, maybe everyone does hate me like my psychiatrist said. By the way jackie beatifull arse
Why is it that doggers are so nervous about people on bikes, there is a place in east maidstone i visit fairly regularly and most of the guys are friendly but couples seem very nervous, is it the bike or am i so bloody ugly that i scare people off. But reading previous posts dogging in Kent does seem to be in decline so anyone interested in meeting a pig ugly biker let me know