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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 56


I used to live in Telford, which is about 40 mins south of Shrewsbury on the a5/m54. There is a mountain there called the Wrekin. the view from the top is amazing, and i have walked up there a few times. there is a shop about halfway up where you can get a break and a cuppa, and the best part is, coming back its all down hill biggrin
If you get the chance go have a look, it really is brill!!!
Enjoy your holiday guys
congrats grandma biggrin so i guess that i need to work twice as hard now eh? well you were hard work as a granny 1st time your a double granny... lol.
loves ya, see ya soon.
Dean!!! biggrin Nice one mate, thank you very much. Had a great time....Highlight of the week-end for me?? Being told Im officially too big for spirit hehehe....good ego boosting or what? cheers spiritxxxx
Everyone there, thanks for all your help with the shitty tent...yes it is going back!!! and for helping to make another fab w/e happen.
roll on camping 2008!!!!
I got diagnosed as being Bi-Polar a few years back. not knowing what it was i had a good look round and found out it is pretty much manic depression episodes, that come and go depending on variations in chemical balences in your feel fine and dandy, than BANG! you wake up feeling like your life is shit...why do you bother? no-one likes you and is it really worth getting your sorry ass out of bed. Its times like that that you withdraw from ppl and just want to be left alone with your misery...which is just when you shouldnt really be left alone. In my pre-diagnosed years, i quite often had suicidal thoughts whilst going through a deppressive bout. When i was finally diagnosed, there was a little bit of experimenting to find out which drug suited me best...and my dosage.
Now im glad to say that, although I dont feel any different from how I used to feel on my "positive" days, ppl who have known me for a few years have all said they can see a marked difference in my attitudes and behaviour.
I still get the odd "down" day, but hey, Im human and there are days when i really cant be bothered...but with the balance in my brain restored, i know that i am i just take a little "ME" time to unwind and think about whats made me down.
What this long winded ramble is trying to say awesome, is that, your not alone in your depression, and there is hope and light at the tunnels end....and i know how long that tunnel is to walk!
See the doc....speak to the ppl closest to you and explain as much as you are comfortable with, and you WILL get through this.
Take care hun, see you at the tunnels end
biggrin kiss
Quote by jax1969
i blame dean for jeana's car too
we have a good day still but dean u have a lot to pay for lol lol
kiss it deano lol
jeana there was 15 of us not 13 so i blame dean for u not being able to count

Er...sry jax...thats me...been telling her 8inches is a foot for so long, so guess shes not used to high numbers.
Well more than one at a time anyway
Quote by deancannock
Oh i have a huge lets blame Dean Cannock!!!!
Went Alton towers yesterday..went back to car at 1pm to get in and out the cars (13 of us in all) when one decided to put the locks down in my car and shut the doors...with my keys still in the ignition........ :shock:
2 hrs we tried to get the catch up on the joy
so got security cameras to keep eye on my car as it would have been perfect for it to be stolen and we were missing out on the rides....went back to the car at ...rang AA....came in an hr...but some daft freind of mine tried to get into my car by using a therefore..knackered the barrel my car now cant be locked till a new barrel is replaced.... mad
I would like to blame Dean Cannock for men having male pride....and not listening to us women when we say dont fiddle around with it with the screw driver...we will get AA out lol
Apart from that..we had a fecking brilliant day lol have 13 kids...well i'm not takeing the blame for that.... !!!! lol
Neither am I!!!!
:P :twisted:
lol. thanks all of ya for the congrats. goose, if ya need to talk hgv then give us a shout next time ya see me in the room, or if ya cant wait, pm me, I have the theory test and hazard perception on dvd-rom if ya want them mate. Try....has jeana read your post yet? and your taking her to the social...? brave man lol
lol cheers babes...nice to know your still as mad as ever hehe. god i was shitting myself! I HATE tests.....get brain freeze confused
Quote by jeana
Just a quick post to say thank you for arranging last night Try.....was really good and I hope I didnt embarrass you too much...specially in the posh part of Coventry!!
Oh well..its not as if we will go there again lol
Jeana xxx
Oh and also......was great meeting loads of new faces...roll on the next one :eek:

so if your not going to the area again do you expect to attend the next social in cov seeing as its in the same bloody area, ya daft bugger lol
cheers for a great night try,it was lovely seeing so many faces to put names to and chat with. think next time im bringing a sleeping bag hehe
go on then try stick us down mate.....I might even be able to stay till the end this time.....first rounds on Jeana btw :twisted: cool
go on then try stick us down mate.....I might even be able to stay till the end this time.....first rounds on Jeana btw :twisted: cool
Quote by jeana
can you put me down guess your space has gone meinnit lol

Gone..? never....still have room for a couple if they dont mind being close lol. Oh what am I saying??? this is a swingers site...we like to get close to our friends biggrin :twisted:
Quote by easycome2003_1
yes i am free this weekend , is there bed space for me somewhere lol

yes easy, there is at least 3 spaces going that i can see lol....but as try says....only thin sheet of fabric hehe.....
Hi Sarah. Could you put me down too please. Be nice to meet some locals for a change, been spending all my time with the Mids nutters lol
Oh i might be able to put another person up too if they need a tent
right dean, can you put me down pls, i cant speak for jeana this time as she has a few things to sort.
Looking for another great w/e in the boonies with all the nutters hehehe
Quote by Gra_Sara_mids
Voted for all three dates
See Im not just a pretty face.. redface

Nah....just a greedy bugger who wants more trophys on his mast eh gra? biggrin
yes pls cock....jeana and i WILL def! be thgere if there is space left....missed last 2 and not happy about it so come hell or high water we will be there
Quote by DeeCee
well id like to set up the SAS....
Squirters Appreciation Society...........
current membership 2
wink :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Add me to the rolls then please...i love it when i get my partner to squirt!
Lets me know without a doubt that she is enjoying it all as much as me biggrin
not behind our tent he wasnt.....that was reserved for Jeana who couldnt be arsed to walk to the loo in the rain lol biggrin
I got mine cos when ppl would ring the house phone, they couldnt tell if it was my bro or when they said "whos that?" i would answer with ...its me innit
Happy Birthday lil biggrin it was great seeing you blush whilst pissed as we sang happy birthday to ya lol
Quote by EMMA & DAVE
Looks like we are the only two to get excited by this thing! - the thing that I find a turn on is that if the owners are telling the truth this thing really works and gives multiple orgasms like nothing else can. Obviously this is not like the real thing but just to sit there and let something mechanical just take control over your body and sort of force you to orgasm I find really exciting, maybe I'm just a bit it weird! wink - Em x

Ive seen one in use, and yes they are noisy.....but you cant hear them in a very short while, as the person riding it is normally making a racket pretty quick biggrin
I do know that of the ppl i have seen use it, all said it was the best masterbation orgasm they had ever had!!
and yes...i too find it a turn on watching them get used hehehe :twisted:
50!!! omg try....and you are stil ok after hanging with jeana for nearly 6months of it?? doing well mate... biggrin
Have a great day and hope you get what your looking for
go on...splash out and have a real burger this tme!! :twisted:
I blame Dean for Jeana......nothing can cover the fact that she is a made woman and its gotta be Deans fault biggrin :twisted:
Hiya sweetheart, it was lovely meeting you in Derby last week(god is it only a week?!?! lol)
If you ask Jeana, she would say i def. need lessons, but unfortunatly, im another poor sod who lives too far away, or i would be banging on the door now biggrin
Have fun and take care babes
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Dean, great meeting you the other week there.
Well done on all your hard work in getting this mess all sorted...moreso when you were poorly sick for most of it too!!!:shock: lol
If its any reward, I'll get you a beer or three in at the site mate.
Once again, cheers for sorting it all
Cheers for getting us on the list dean.
Jeana tells me that she cant stay for the sun. so just the 2 nights for us.
Anyone taking any instruments to have a sing-song with? Ging Gang Goolie is def banned! lol
Put me down pls biggrin i will see if i can drag Jeana along too.....tents can get cold at night lol