Hi i would live to come along
Quote by AlexnHannah
Was asked the other day if there was going to be a golf day this year, I will take this on if there is enough Intrest.
The event will be around the Northwest, well if i organising i aint travelling miles:lol: :lol:
Anyway, if intrested stick your names down and i'll start looking into it, Will look to arrange for Mid-End of June.....
Interested / Confirmed....
Red Wine Lover....
Slapper cpl... Confirmed
The Tongue....Int
Blokeontour.... Int
Quote by AlexnHannah
Was asked the other day if there was going to be a golf day this year, I will take this on if there is enough Intrest.
The event will be around the Northwest, well if i organising i aint travelling miles:lol: :lol:
Anyway, if intrested stick your names down and i'll start looking into it, Will look to arrange for Mid-End of June.....
Interested / Confirmed....
Red Wine Lover....
Slapper cpl... Confirmed
The Tongue....Int
Blokeontour.... Int