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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 59
Straight Female, 46


Two Lawyers are stranded on a desert Island, one day a beautiful naked woman washes up onto the beach. The two Lawyers run down to the shore;
'Shall we screw her?'
'Out of what?'
In pole position as I approach the finish line overtaking Schumacker
With the soles of my feet together...sorry I'm a pervert. It connects my shakra energy..or something
Hi everyone! we're new here and it all sounds quite relaxed, just what we were looking for. We considered the Rios social munch but it sounds a bit man heavy and as we are first timers a bit of equilibrium would be in order!
Your partys sound great, what do we have to do to be invited? we can provide pics!
We would like an intimate evening with other couples, what sort of age range come to the partys? I'm 39, my girlfriend is 27. Could you let us know some details (type of venue/people/ whats expected re:alchol etc price)
Thanks and look forward to meeting some of you!
Dr Rock & Ms Kitty
Mods message: as you're new here it would have been helpful if you had taken some LITTLE time to read the rules about avatars before posting yours.