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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 55
Straight Female, 54
0 miles · County Durham


Mr mr mucky... aka mr mrs bull wanna cum ... got a rare sat neet off so stick us is plz
we also travel the north east,and nothing,,we have more luck round york bit ov a travel for us but it has to be done
hiya folk just a stern reminder that the northumbria police force are still clamping down,went out last night for a tour of the local haunts,and was stopped and asked why are you here?....then asked to moved on,,,so beware
can we come i promise not to be naughty,,, cant vouch for the mrs,,, unless she's sober
well guess us two will have to show face at this one,stick us down mr tyne,, n i'll do my bit wink wink lol
hiya john here...were r u guys thinking of,,,have a look @ our profile then get back to me,,only me out tonite,,have pics on profile
get well soon mate,,,speedy recovery,,guess next time i'll give you my chair lol
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
1 more Day to go yepheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
:beer: :cheers: drinkies :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek::beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek::beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek::beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek::beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek::beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek::beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek::beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek: :beer: :cheers: :drinkies: :smoke: :bounce: :karaoke: :eeek:
cant wait me n mrs haven't been out 4 mths yeah bring on the broon
hiya only likkle auld us two.. r we 2 late,to put our name down,got a room sorted near by biggrin .can ya stuff us down plzzzz
genuine north east cpl looking for fun tonite in liverpool city center hotel,we have room booked near albert dock,looking for sum full on fun with another cpl,we know its late but worth a try,will reply asap,,
cheers john n deb
opps av i mist the bit where we say we will or are we to chuffin late,,, we will or want to there,can we confirmmmmmmmm biggrin
stick me n er indoors down,nee diary now every weekend free,tyne sai he is buying the 1st round ,that will be good to see bolt
hiya john here one half of cpl out dogging tonite,looking for loads of fun n frolicks,have use off a minicoach with limo blacked out windows loads of space,get in touch and sort something out lol, :swingingchair:
Quote by tyneside4fun
we are having a party 15th july any couples/fems interested in coming plz get back to us via email for more details the i ider was a bbq but not sure of wether so think it best to say food and drinks.........the idea is just a social only but what you do when you leave is up to you lol....i lol :lol:

we aint missing this one,put me and the mrs down for this one. :taz: .
and there's the matter still outstanding on that bounty , :twisted:
Quote by tyneside4fun
yes jack danials not the other J&D think north is comeing with them .......and the £50 bounty bull is offering to the first person who nicks me jd is lies his giro not come till tuesday :P
bull got a provie loan due friday morn so the bountie is still on :swingingchair:
lol count us two in.... mines rare n pink,,,,mrs bull is well ard with cream,,,,, :lol:
hiya there seems to us as if the north east is dying,,,,,less and less cpls seem to venture out these days,,but theres endless amounts of single blokes out there,,,so come on north east cpls,,,,get lively and let the north east start doggin again. biggrin :D :D :D :D 69position