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Over 90 days ago


Thanx to a really nice member who pointed out that neat lil programme to create picys small enough to fit, Im spoilt for choice with pics. Anyways back to the original question it is good there some nites once the youngsters are at home in bed. Fri nite it was all locked up but sat was very good, several couples, the boys in blue turned up but for those who didnt disappear at break neck speed there was some quite good fun to be had. and we did.... lol
Quote by Mr Ben and friends
BTW... I don't mean to accuse anybody here before I know the facts but...
Naughtyc - I'm sure i've seen your avatar on somebody elses login.
quite prepared to be corrected... <- oops don't suppose I should put that on here. rolleyes

You may well have Mr B, i thought it was a cute picy, but just for you I will try to get one of me that they wont do you find a pic thats small enough to fit in 20k, but i will try......
Quote by Mr Ben and friends
BTW... I don't mean to accuse anybody here before I know the facts but...
Naughtyc - I'm sure i've seen your avatar on somebody elses login.
quite prepared to be corrected... <- oops don't suppose I should put that on here. rolleyes

You may well have Mr B, i thought it was a cute picy, but just for you I will try to get one of me that they wont do you find a pic thats small enough to fit in 20k, but i will try......
Ticket system, thats it....well maybe not but a good idea, i find it hard enough to get someone to take pictures of me at it, i'll never get anyone to stand at entrance with ticket machine :violin:
Quote by Phuturetek
Well it had got to midnight last friday night and I was up at the car park nr esher chatting to a couple of the regs as the main wisley site was inaccessible as the A3 is being repaired.
Anyway decided to head home but checked in at SL first. Excellent. Good job I did as I spent the next hour or so in the company of a smashing couple from down southampton way and a couple of adventurous local ladies, plus a few of us late night dogger types. A fun time was had by all, but a special thank you to the lovely girls for all the sexy antics.
Just goes to show ladies are like buses at times, you wait and wait for and then three cum at one, just never make the mistake of comparing them to the rear end of said vehicle.

Just like to say that for females in a mainly male world it is sometimes difficult to feel at ease and enjoy yourself, cars come into these parks and put there headlights on you, they have seen you then go and park somewhere dark so you cant see them, they then sit there for an amount of time before driving off, then return and do the same again. This can make a girl feel quite uneasy, occasionally they may get out and walk rouund the back of your car so again you cant see them, why dont some of you speak, do they expect the females to make the first move and approach them???. If someone makes an effort I will open my window and speak but if they continue to lurk in shadows then I will leave. C'mon guys think about how you make us single girls feel when you do this,
I enjoy some fun and am up for it but not if Im worried about my safety.
By the way I was the girl from the other nite and did enjoy myself, the couple present made it safer and I had a couple of friends there so I could have fun in safety, thanks for the nice msg its nice to be appreciated and the pics came out fine... not seen the couple from southhampton since. rolleyes