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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 70
Bisexual Female, 56
United Kingdom


yer stick us on ya list and we will see if we can break it lol
j& m xx
ya have to let her go ..she is a real nice lass and genuine also a good laugh ..not like us at all afore anyone says owt
we call that the shoe dance -- ya know when a woman dances round on one foot wi one shoe deciding what to wear ...ffs like anyone gonna notice
we would have tried to blag an invite --wi the caravan of course-- but thats night little one gets back from usa and then off to school camp next day ..ya know ts def a conspiracy ....( forum re newcastle social -- we blame miss c)
def. in huff now !!!!
and to top it all they want m to be on call all w/end -- sure its a conspiracy to keep us celibate...either that or miss c been sticking pins in them dolls again
so we get rid of child -- we actually put our names down for social ..we even eventually get updated on list and what do we see NE14MMF ffs its MFF ...gawd mail box will be full of blokes now
we hope to get down to it ..nowt wrong wi morpeth lol tho last time i was there ya had to be under 14 to get served in the pubs ???? <<old grumpy git. we dont mind travelling long as it doesnt involve paying a tunnel fee....nowt against sanddancers ya understand
thought only miss cream would use that excuse on her accident claim form pmsl
we have remembered what we like about creams ....nowt pmsl
can ya put us down provisionally -- we will try to make it from the far far north
not sure if we cab make that venue but always interested in hearing of any decent caravan sites
thinks.............. any excuse to get jd and a free ride...ya sure he wasnt just going in for a zimmer fitting to keep up wi cream??????????..<<<see me empathy and humanity shines thru.>>> but ya know we harmless and mean well ...will ring ya shaz --owt ya need let us know xxxx j & m
can we ask there a pensioner concession, is saga running it, does it have a de-fib machine or do we bring our own and it tuesday and you aint me usual nurse what ya doin nicking me white fivers
least its not south of the tyne...and really really really want to see if it has zimmer access for cream
ne14mff & mayhem101
we might even make it this time cream -- stick us down will ya
might turn up to wave ya off --er no im not buying ya beer...just want to make sure the holes in ya lifevest are big enough
is she that old ?? put us down as possible (will have to check diary etc.) and what ever ya do dont let her give directions to anyone as to how to get there
yes --we did it again ....didnt get down to other house til sunday..sorry folks --(and no it wasnt cos may got a puncture!! afore ya say owt)hope you all had a good night.
j & m
oi northy -- we should be down at other house over and can prob make it out sat (er ..ya staying on the north side of the river aint ya???)ifs there room to squeeze us in let us know will ya ??
j & m
cheap pubs -- not that sounds good an no tunnel fees!!!!-- might even make it
we can prob bring her as she is almost as remote as us -----(she can have our burgers and ill tell her how to use the yucca)
put us down -- we have the tunnel fee - we have diocalm. we have the patience
well we didnt read the rest of the comments -- read? when theres pics to perv??? but that the sort of posting we like to see :twisted:
we will do usual -- say we going then get stopped at last moment by summat ---- (owt to avoid tyne) ffs -- £1-10???? for a hole in the ground ???
ooo is that south of the tyne??? we will try and sort our real busy diaries and make time (cant get moved for single bi-fems up here)
the tunnel doesnt go that way does it ???? we might be able to get away down there but its bad time for childcare etc. will have to let you know closer the time....
j & m
is ya burgers better than tyne's ?????? do we have to mug another tramp for tunnel fee?
do we need passport - injections-native porters-language course???? do you have a stannah - and is there room for a zimmer?? whats me name ?????
oh yeah and can we come ?? (depending on childcare work blah blah blah)
think of us and we will sort diary out -- wouldnt mind seeing if tyne ever buys a around - may will need to sort childcare and work before we can commit