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3 days ago
Bisexual Female, 68
Bisexual Male, 69


We paid 35 euros about 3 years ago so I guessed at 40. I've just looked online and these were the results for Damrak to Fata. They give a pretty accurate estimate for fares I know in Manchester so I would assume that the Amsterdam figures are reasonably accurate.
Estimated Fare using meter at 21:30
Distance: km. | Duration: 25 min.
first 2000 meters €
km. x € per km €
Total €,
We've been a couple of times. It's a fair bit outside Dam, maybe 40 euros each way from Central. Fixed entry price then everything provided like Fun4two - decent food and as well as the normal bar it had a self-service bar in another room. It has the darkest darkroom you will ever see - or not see lol.
Quote by hornylancslass
Hiya, is there room for another two? xxx

Of course, Ya always welcome. Do ya remember the address. xxx
Thanks, of course we do, see you Saturday. xxx
Quote by WarriorMonk
result 30 people looked but no message expressing any inteterest

It was only 26 that looked 'cos I clicked five times. lol
Quote by Too Hot
If you want to be a Swinger - just sort your life out so you can do it properly - how hard is that?

PMSFL - really?
We know plenty of swingers that don't accomodate, including us. Does that make us and them not 'proper' swingers? I would hazard a guess that we have played with more people than most 'proper' swingers that accomodate - but then maybe playing isn't 'proper' swinging dunno .
The simple answer has been suggested to the OP - don't even respond to people that can't accomodate and the problem is solved.
There is too much bollox written on this site, and others, about how people should swing. Do what you want to do and let others do what they want to do. Superior pontificating never looks good.
Quote by Lost
Every Brian I've ever met has been bloody weird, criminal, stupid or just plain horrible.

He's just a naughty boy.
Quote by silentsven
sorry am I missing something here...the person could be 'Rod' or 'Debs'...they made such an impression on your shy wife that she wasn't sure if they were male nor female....come on!!

Sorry, but you do seem to have missed something lol . They said Rod AND Debs - that would be a couple where Debs has the long dark hair and the lovely black sexy number. Although that is an assumption from what they've written and in this day and age it could be Rod, you can't be certain.
You won't get your hands dirty if you use the kitchen tongs when you go for a piss - hand washing problem solved. We'll pass on that free burger though lol
Can you put us down for the party please, we're only at chams monday and tuesday so we're fine for sunday lol .
Quote by GnV
unacceptable covert practices

If what The Daily Wail says is true, things have moved on from when I was at school in the 60's.
In our class, there used to be a lad who sat at the back and wanked for most of the lesson :grin:
I think that's exactly what it's saying.
Quote by starlightcouple
well with all the talk of teachers not doing there jobs to a good standard, they now decide to do this.

a national strike and right in the middle of kids exams. charming.

They've started panic learning round here.
Quote by GnV
I used a punch tape computer in the 70s. If you made a typo you had to splice the tape. The computer had a room to itself that no one could go into - you handed your tape into reception and a week later a ream of listing paper came back. I think it had the processing power of a calculator. If you were really clever you could make it print a picture of a nude in ones and zeros.

did that, got the T shirt lol
I think being able to print on T shirts came much later. :lol:
Yeah, silk screen printing :lol:
Had a client in later years very much into that.
Feck me, you'll be talking about tie-dye next. :lol:
Quote by GnV
I used a punch tape computer in the 70s. If you made a typo you had to splice the tape. The computer had a room to itself that no one could go into - you handed your tape into reception and a week later a ream of listing paper came back. I think it had the processing power of a calculator. If you were really clever you could make it print a picture of a nude in ones and zeros.

did that, got the T shirt lol
I think being able to print on T shirts came much later. :lol:
Quote by Bluefish2009
I do not think it has been ignored, IMO, from my point of view the problems are often resulting from lack of basics, If those basics are not in place the advanced stuff suffers

And my point would be that many children today can actually do the advanced stuff and many children in yesteryear couldn't do the basics. There are many adults that went through the education system in the glory days that are illiterate and have poor numeracy skills. Adult education is not a new phenomenum.
Quote by GnV
I went to a careers event at Manchester Uni in the 60's from school to show what progress was being made in matters computing and to encourage students to follow this path...
I think it might have been a Babbage lol
It was certainly a punch card machine from memory.

I used a punch tape computer in the 70s. If you made a typo you had to splice the tape. The computer had a room to itself that no one could go into - you handed your tape into reception and a week later a ream of listing paper came back. I think it had the processing power of a calculator. If you were really clever you could make it print a picture of a nude in ones and zeros.
Quote by foxylady2209
Clearly history was a bit thin in your day too. There was no such thing as ICT in the 50's and 60's cos there was no such thing as computers outside the most high-tech universities. The home computer only came into existance in the mid ot late 80's.

Yes , I know perfectly well there were no home computers until the 80s. My point is, if you moan about lack of standards today you have to take account of the many things that children can do today that children of the 50s and 60s couldn't do. That seems to be ignored in this thread.
I wonder how many 50s and 60s primary aged children learned science, geography, history, RE, DT, PHSE, internet safety as discrete subjects rather than a bit of topic or a nature table, not to mention homework - anybody of a certain age remember homework at primary school, I don't? I am absolutely certain that children today have ICT skills that were never taught in the 50s and 60s.
As to standards, I was the only child from my class to pass the 11+ - I wonder what literacy and numeracy skills the rest of the class had in that case. Oh those halcyon days.
Are children bottomless pits to be filled with 'education' or is there a limit to how much work a child under 11 should have to do? If the government insists that children have to study an ever increasing curriculum then something has to give. At the moment it seems to be childhood.
Quote by Freckledbird
saw on one of the stories some guy said a bird tea bagged his balls and it was amazing .what is this ?

It's when a man puts his balls in someone's mouth.
I wish I'd known that earlier. Still, the scald's nearly healed and with a bit of luck it won't scar.
Quote by Bluefish2009
smaller demand and less competition have led to a higher price of diesel

Welcome to the market economy.
Quote by starlightcouple

It's the Mail - what did you expect.

why not make a contructive comment dunno
Yes, sorry sir.
Although what you could say consructively about this I can't think. What is it percentages of? It seems a typical piece of non-news for which that paper is justifiably famous. Help me out here if you know different. :dunno: