So i urge sensible doggers to keep locations totally discreet. Dont mention them on here. May i also say that the warnings section is a bit of a giveaway to or is it just me being over cautios ?.
ok heres the age old question does a mans cock size matter ? You see adds on here for we vwe vvwee massive super big lol so come ladies have your say and vote on poll.
Right lets start with, most of the dogging locations mentioned in open on this site are now wrecked. The boy racer gang undercover reporters police and any nutcase in the mood for action will be there, In my eyes. Myself i like dogging action but discreetly so any couples who feel the same keep it in pm to me please. If anybody would like to share there views on this subject feel free after all it is a forum, so everyone can have there say. Thanks for now xx
It seems that them new to dogging need to read up on in instead of acting like a bull in a china shop. The locations mentioned are totally crap anyhow due to idiots posting locations on net. Thank god proper doggers keep stum over best places.
Hello i just thought id post this topic out of interest, in todays world of speed dateing and internet dating and everything else. Lets get back to basics. Girls when is a smile a come on,a glance an interest sign, a flirt a flirt and so on. Could be interesting to here from the female point of view on this matter thanks a lot an interested observer