Dear Skinny, many thanks for your suggestion.
My latest discovery is one that may bring a smile to everyone's face. It concerns the civil case in America within which the family of the late Michael Jackson took on the organisation AEG Live.
During the course of the Hearing, an individual from the Witness Box repeated details that they had received either from a psychic or which they themselves had received because of such an ability. (I think it was Lionel Ritchie's ex, but don't quote me)
When the evidence concluded the Los Angeles Superior Court Judge declared that the evidence given "..shall stand".
I often wonder whether an officer may be influenced by a personal philosophical belief/outlook when it come to either accepting or rejecting the detail.
But thanks again for the advice.
After having watched a documentary on one of the TV Channels, which programme was on psychics, I was intrigued by the suggestion that certain Police Forces have acted upon the unsolicited information from such individuals when cases have 'gone cold'
I would think that this is a subject that is not spoken about in the British Police Forces?
All the examples seem to come from the American Police.
What I would now like to know is what makes a Police Officer who is in charge of an investiagtion consider this type of 'Hearsay' evidence.
The reason that I call it 'Hearsay' is that the individual receiving the detail gets it from a third party and can not identify the source of that detail?
I am sure that there maybe the odd one or two uniformed individuals who are viewers of the ads on this, you can always respond to this posting, here in the Forum. Alternatively, and better still send me a private message.
I find this subject so fascinating that maybe the offer of a cuppa at my place might be on-the-cards?
Has anyone got any contacts, or who knows someone with an interest in this subject?