oi, postie... duck!
and here john, this should help kill the lil' itching bastards
here comes the american with the gun:
er... ok you asked for it! so the new lap top the ny office gave me and supposedly was programmed with the right things is missing the one element that allows me to actually accomplish anything. My supervisor is an unhelpful sonofabitch who said he's helped me as much as he could and i'm on my own, my skin is awful from travling the house is a wreck my partner is in a whiny mood the washer broke and flooded the kitchen and my other supervisor is badmouthing me to others for no fekking good reason so all i have to say is:
i think i'm gonna pass out.
I have no idea what's going on in here... I tried to read the 6 pages, I failed miserably... but i'm in serach of a safe, but satisfying place to hurl as many expletives as I can... have had a fekkin' awful day and need vent it, but I'm thinking perhaps even tho it says bitch thread, this is not what it's about.
i would have preferred sly commentary on welsh heritage.
ffs I have no idea why i didn't recognize it. I diseccted 'em in high school anatomy class...
ok, as we all know, the boy is welsh so I'm guess it's sheep/lamb related
some sorta sick commentary on his heritage that's meant to be funny...
nah vix, it were sunny and warm when I left.
can I just say: f'in FANTASTIC avatar you got there girl, yumyum. glad I came back to see that!!
yah ya did. but s'ok my luvvlies back home are sending me a care package, I can put in on the list if you make it worth my while...
hey darlin
as you know i've been away, we even chatted once all the way from NY to here, and i had NO IDEA you were ill. I do hope you feel better soon and that you return not only to good health but better than ever!
big hugs and some ny chicken soup
Firstly: I leave at 4am tonite.. or rather tomorrow morning. So I wanted to bump this back up and say goodbye.
Secondly: I am bringing back: york peppermint patties in the bitesize form, bags of hershey's kisses one in plain one in almond, a few hershey bars, a small statue of liberty, a picture of me having a ho jo's breaky, some peanut butter and a couple of moutain dews (shudder) I will reappear here when I return to figure out how to get the stuff out. Perhaps I can lure you all to oxford with it... mwah ha ha...
Ms. Ocky
I'm sure some other people, including the site mods will answer this post, but I thought I'd help out: the forum isn't quite the right place to post what you posted. This is just for chat etc, try creating an ad, and taking a look at the "let's meet up" forum as well.
As some of you know, I am going back to New York City on Friday where I will be seeing family and friends for two whole weeks. This also means no posting from me until I come back, which must make some of you very happy.
I thought I'd ask you lovely people if there is anything anyone would like from NY or America for me to bring back? I am one person and can't bring back a ton of stuff or anything expensive, but I already have orders from a few of you, such as an MTA map, a bottle of mountain dew (ugh), etc.
so - anyone in need of anything from New york?
i never slept to begin with. an insomniac since birth.
SH was just a new way to fill in the hours betwen when the pubs closed and dawn. If you people kept your pubs open longer I'd never be here.
ms ocky
deleted in edit as once again I proved that rule about not opening up your mouth to show everyone you're an idiot.
I was in the "press" last year. Luckliy it was an alternative paper that my family would never read, and all my friends in NY knew before it came out. got a few good meets out of the whole situation.
was a chams last night. People of all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, clothing preferences (underessed preferences) people with tattoos people with out tats people with a few tats, piercings, baldies, smokers non smokers..
etc.. you get the drift...
also, been to club lick, and they only people they turn away are abusive/rude people.
-ms. ocky
well mr. ocky and I might be back in New York as early as next spring so if any of you still want to try NY we'll be there to help.
...as for Florida... that's where the american elderly go to live out their remaining years.
I don't get the English fascination with Florida at all..
I am taking a friend thru Europe during the summer, but if I really could go where I wanted and I had the money: sailing around French Polynesia, Micronesia etc... on my own.
yeah.. need more specific info on "summer nights" theme...