Quote by dirtydoggers
she's been banned again guys..no doubt she'll be back for a 7th incarnation though
I had a feeling I had come across her before using a similar name;-)
old couple
Quote by lusty33uk
i love to be watched in action ;o)
Quote by ashleyuk
oldcouple... please tell me where you go. Im always out... but never see ANYTHING ?? If I can find somewhere, then I'll bring my lady friend along.
Quote by cheekychimp
I must admit....£20 isn't going to go far these days....you mentioned a 'quiet drink'...you described it correctly with the funds available.
I'm not having a go by the way but some ladies may think £20 (between 2) isn't enough to get them in the mood.
Good luck.....![]()
Quote by bluexxx
II would hate to spoil her reputation but she is generous to her friends though...................she will share her deodorant with you if you run out :P
Quote by 2nzy
he he,gud nite for us tonight!
omg sash!![]()
7 guys,3 gals all park n riding!
woo hoo!
bin real busy l8ly so not many posts?
bak in town mor often nex week,week afta that shud b bak 2normal
so shud b bak 2the ol haunts soon!
hope i havnt been missin any of the ipswich action
tho we hav quite busy ourselves!
ps,nice1 cat!
Quote by notoeurope
I saw a couple who had brought 3 extra girls out last night. It isn't our scene so we stayed out of the way. About 10 car loads of Gary Boys turned up and started acting like fools. One of them even managed to slide his car into a post. Anyhow we sat waiting for them to get bored and leave. Unfortunately the couple with the girls moved off and were immediately chased to another dogging site where they were ragged again so they came back and then there seemed to be even more garys so they just kept moving and it seemed to me they were chased all the way home:-(
Quote by Benito
i have to agree with serendipity, being fat definitely doesnt make u scruffy. i was fortunate to go dogging recently with a very nice cpl the lady was definitely on the large side but wow wat a sexy woman she was. i was only involved as a spectator but she certainly did put on a show.
old, young, fat, slim all shapes and sizes the sexy part about some 1 surely has 2 be there imagination. its cool 2 have preferences we all do, but 2 say a fat lady cant put on a sexy show is ridiculous. as i have witnessed some mind blowing things from this certain "fat" couple.
Quote by Serendipity
Oh boy I do like your avatar;-) Yes it is a derisory comment. Most of the doggers we know will also dive in to grab anything. We do not and some other doggers do not either especially where there seems to be a really revolting show in progress. Surely you have seen the sort of thing I am talking about. Two fat and scruffy people turn up and everybody rushes over to get their hands on some flesh. To us that is really sad:-(
old couple
Quote by Serendipity
Now whilst I realise that your preference is for slim people as you clearly say in your posts on SH, why exactly does a dogger have to be really sad to give fat or ugly (according to you) people attention? You're perfectly entitled to have a criteria for yourself but that came across as a very derisory comment indeed!
Quote by shad
Fair comment but have you ever considered the couples feelings when you up and move off in search of better shows.
I am certain it must boost their moral no end.
Quote by alanrachel2000
what is your problem with truck drivers
is there a rule somewhere that says truck drivers cant dog im a truck driver and no one complains when im out with rach
plus u put drove off looking for better !! considering u dont even play i find this strange
alan rachel xx
Quote by maria clara
writing here to declare Im out of dogging. tried to go to some dogging sites 3 times without success. only saw single male and gays around. tried to arrange some meeting with others couples around yorkshire and also was a disaster. most of then wanted me to PROVE Im a couple, what I AM and dont see the point of proving. are my words not enough? was asked to send pic of me and my partner to be allowed to joint any couple meeting. thought its quite upset: 1th I dont have any pic of me and my partner; 2th, if I had, never would send it; 3th is not dogging suppose to be a meeting between strangers?; 4th what the point of selecting people? anyway, lost the interest. thought could have some really fun: plain sex with open minded people. but not, just upset myself.
Quote by BarefootAnjel
Been there,done that....Never felt more pathetic and sad in my entire life!....
Still,they say a vivid imagination is all you need to get by.....I saw plenty of action that night,even if it was all a figment of my imagination!
Quote by new_n_curious
So you rule the public car-parks nowadays - the prat that you moved on may not have been to your taste - you aint the only people that go dogging you know. With postings like yours it no surprise ipswich`s dogging is dying.
Quote by jomu
Most of the couples (if not all) that I have known in dogging use the extra sex as an addition to their life together and not as a support or replacement.
Surely most people can see that if your relationship is f**ked. then shagging around is hardly likely to help salvage it ?
Maybe the reason behind the original post isn't as simple as it seemed ?