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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52


Oooh toughie - but have to go for the Stone Roses due to the first album being so good. Why has no-one mentioned MAde of Stone.
Here's one for you - Verve Urban Hymns or Stone Roses - Silvertone/Stone Roses
I think it's because there's so many men seeking women on the site that it's a waste of time posting. Forgive me if I'm generalising, but as I see it, a lot of women prefer to post their own add, then go through their responses, knowing who is willing to travel to them, accommodate, or live locally, rather than trawl through the hundreds of male adds in the hope of finding someone conveniently located and fitting the bill. Much as it annoys me when men post on the women seeking men section, I can understand how frustrating it must be knowing that when a woman posts an add in her category she's likely to get 10's or hundreds of replies, and when a man posts he may not get any (haven't personally posted an add, so just going from friends experiences).
hmmm, my reasoning behind thinking about it was the pleasure I got from a my first pierced tongue blowjob recently. I don't think her technique was any better than anyone elses but the results blew my head off - and shot her 10ft across the room smile I kind of thought the result of my getting a piercing would have a similar effect, with the ball stud stroking the G-spot every 'stroke' in and out. Not sure that I like the idea of fitting a sprinkler hose system to my knob though, and I'd hate to give up the convenience of standing up for a piss when I'm out.
Hi all. Relative newby here, so apologies if I'm going over old ground. Am seriously considering getting my tackle pierced. Not sure whether to go for the Prince Albert - (straight through the shaft) , or just piercing the ' bellend' so to speak. Was interested to know the benefits for my sexual partner and myself, how it enhances the sexual experience, how much it will hurt, whether I'll end up weeing all over the place. Any advice and personal experiences appreciated. smile
Has no-one considered the skin tone benefits, and the oxy 10 effect? smile
It's taken me thousands of pounds of therapy to get over my size anxiety, and you go and ruin in in 1 foul swoop ! Bah smile Whose balls have you been squeezing - the jolly green giant? - or would they look like sweetcorn. :haha:
Y front sightings in the Birmingham region a little low this time of the year. However, I have just by chance come across (yes, I was that excited) a pair of leopardskin thong/g-strings. I can't get too close in the fear that I will scare them away and will never get to see their like again, but I believe them to be the ultra rare male of the species, and they may have been in a 3 way fight with a jar of marmite/ chocolate spread and what appears to look like cheesy pasta sauce biggrin
biggrin :D :D :D :D New to the site, so not posted or spoken to you B4, but I will be raising a big glass (of Voddy) to you tonight on your great news. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Doh, I never win anything, at least thought I might have a chance at this lol
Does the fluffing offer only apply to the top 3?
:idea: pop of to Asda for a bag of ice to sit on, then send pick, fluff in the bag. Yeh smile
'Ever fallen in Muff with someone you shouldn't have?' and 'Muff hurts' - the buzzcocks
Muff me muff my dog - not sure if I've made that one up? smile but I like it
Muff Like A River - Climie Fisher
I don't know why I muff you - The House of Love
Everyday I muff you less and Less - Kaiser Chiefs