The guy was obviously an arse. Goes without saying. I'm really sorry this happened. It reflects badly on single male doggers, if nothing else. I am a single male dogger but my partner also plays on occassion as well. Although we have had nothing quite like this happen, we have had an annoying incident or two.
The one that bugs us most is a male approaching the car before we have given any form of signal. Late last year we were just getting warmed up when, completely uninvited a male approached the window and stood watching. Now we hadn't shown in anyway at that point, just smooched a bit, etc. So we stopped and just sat chatting and this fella buggered off back to his car.
Blow me (if you'll pardon the pun!) as soon as we started off again he was back at the window. We could just have been a courting couple for all he knew! Anyway, we moved a few parking space away but he continued to come in and out of the car park for the next hour, ruining our fun and the opportunity of the two or three respectful doggers waiting patiently. We cleared off in the end. If he'd been patient and waited til we'd invited the lads across with a couple of flicks of the interior light, I am sure she would happily have played with him.
Having said this however, I will say that all the doggers we have played with as a couple are polite, friendly and above all good fun and I have to say that at most of our dogging meets there is definitely more laughing and falling about with trousers round ankles etc. than actual shagging.
After all, when you think about it the whole dogging scenario is a slapstick comedy moment waiting to happen.
And as a single male dogger, I would much rather miss a couple than try and push my way into a session. If I'm not wanted there, I'll go. After all, it may be me they want to play with next time.......