Newcastle the answer.
Lots of jobs.
Party town
House prices are better than most places.
I have lived in the midlands and travel around a lot.
The best all round package.
Based on Academic Qualifications
A little about me:
Age 35
height 6ft 2"
Blue Eyes
Rugby player type body (14st)
In the top 3% of British Intelligencer. Wiser YES.
Sun tanned all over.
Out in Newcastle on Saturday.
Thanks for the replies.
In response to some questions and advice.
Firstly its no joke, it happen.
Secondly, not so desparate. I live in Newcastle. If you come for a night out on the Toon, you will know what I mean. Not orginally from North East.
I was just looking for someting different/adventurous.
Nice to get a lot of hits, hopefully some one will learn from by mistake.
Looking for to North East Munch. See you there.
By the way I checked out you add. I am better looking, younger and now wiser. Only joking.
Thanks for your support. Swingingheaven.
Prepare handouts, but give them out at the end, or they end up flicking through them and not looking at you. Say at the begining you have handouts (colour)
Successfull partnerships, obviously business ones. Suppliers, training organisation. shareholders/stake holders. What you get out of it, what they get out of it and the result.
With 3 its easy, keep it friendly.
The Biggest Sting,
We have all had meetings that don't go as planned or as we would like.
I open up the cafe to discussion who's had the worst experience, try and make it funny.
Or largest amout (financial paid out for a no show).
Please don't mention any names.
My story is " If it sounds to good to be true , it mostly likely is".
I read an ad about a fantastic blonde nurse in London.
I emailed her, she responded. A surprise considering the number of willing responces she would have had. She suggested a meet, a hotel and for me to transfer half the hotel cost to her account. I checked out the hotel, the price she quoted was the fully amount.
I know it sounds doggy. She promised the world twice.
To cut a long story short I ended up 300 away from home, the hotel had no details, she did not show. I flew down so there another £100, I had to book a room, lost the money transfered into her account. Plus other expenses. Total estimated £300.
And I guess, I was not the only one. £50 a head times responses equals a lot.
The lesson is "A fool and his money are soon parted"
I don't think you will have a problem, on the pull in Newcastle.
If you act as a stag group its harder, break up into 2 or 3's. You will have more success.
Unless you meet a hen party.
Newcastle is not was its was. To many stag and hen nights.
Try the women for groups section.
Are you cumming as Maid Marian.
Can you get a ticket for leaving you horse outside the pub on a double yellow.
Lloyds is a good place to meet, I can leave my horse in the court yard.
Count us in.
Newbie (fresh meat) I can read you thoughts.
There is nothing better, than getting my long pole out and getting a bite.
Add some flavour to you bait and they suck for ever, and then they are hooked.
I am in Birmingham end of the month for the Angling show.
Hopfully have something swinging on my line as well.
Its my first group munch.
Count us in.
I am local, if anyone is interested