Hi Emily, you sound interesting, hope you find what you're looking for and have fun, fun, fun!
It was me in the kitchen with everybody and loads of utensils. Wishful thinking, but it's keeping me warm, it's freezing up here!
I, too, am an amazing cook. Not being big headed (or maybe I am) but have always been complimented on my meals. Used to work as a cook as well which helps.
Apparently I butt into conversations. The reason is that my memory is shot and if I don't say my piece there and then I would forget what I was going to say. That's my excuse anyway, or maybe i am an ignorant bastard?
I don't like my picture being taken either as, usually, you have to keep a ridiculous smile on for ages while some idiot tries to work out how to use their bloody camera! The wait just loses the moment!
Can I put my name down for the reserve snog list as well, pretty please!
thanks for that Debbiewebs, the cheques in the post! I wouldn't want to leave anyone out, but of course you're top of my list now!
good thread this. Here we go then,
Met the legend Rolf Harris and he drew a Rolfarooo on the letter I was sending to my mate.
I like Marmite.
I would love to live in the Peruvian rainforest and live off the land with just my guitar and puppy for company. 1, 2, 3, aawwwwwwww!
There is more but i'll save it for interesting chat at the scottish munch! lol
When I lived in Spain a couple of years ago, I couldn't find anywhere that sold Lilt of all things. They had a Tesco though so I was alright for everything else, even Irn Bru!
Rocked as my little sis got married, sucked as I had a cold for it. Damn good party though and pulled one of her bridesmaids!
Bugger, only just noticed this thread. Would have been nice to meet up and get to know you both before the munch. Was driving through Glasgow on Sunday as well coming back from my sisters wedding. Bugger again lol never mind, will meet you soon. xxx
But actually in the bath is nothing at all, interesting eh?
In my bathroom, a 1970's avocado bath room suite which is being changed this week to a nice bright white new one. (if i have the time that is!)
well, my first will be the scottish munch in Nov. having spoken to a few people who are going I can't wait to actually meet them all in the flesh. should be a great night.
my birthday was a week sunday ago, finally made 30
everyone would be extremely welcome round my gaff
I'm with lil miss, definately garlic not just with chips but everything.
except cornflakes
I forgot about the little groove just at the bottom of the back