this is why i count my lucky stars im not true ginger.
but the question is hornyred....?
in 'general' do you like red headed men.
alas! this is true happy cats
totally! its cool to be different
your right.
but i suppose you have to put things in perspective red heads havent suffered slavery etc.
being called a ginger twat is one thing.
little gem ur a little gem,
for i use a microwave to make now i've been blissfully unaware of this 'ticking timebomb' of a beverage preperation device.
but now this game of 'russian roulette in a mug (milk, no sugar)' can be thwarted!
and to think when i burnt my finger the other day, how lucky i was to escape with nothing more than a sudden attack of bad language.
whoever it was that broke all the rules for being arsed, to find out such lifesaving tip should be knighted. hopfully now people will see that sticking your head in a microwave above mug of boiling liquid is............. f@*!ing stupid.
be safe!
erm....... been a long nite.
think i'll be off to bed before i anymore bollocks like this.
see yall later
me too! :shock:
. tryin to ration me fags till the shop opens.
3 left, 2 hours.
bugger! i want one now.
all the 'micro' chat took me mind off the potential ciggarette drought!
morning chuck.
are you well?
just gettin up? or not been to bed?
50 bloody watts eitherway.
not sure why. think they get angry.
but if you put a light bulb in a microwave they light up.
then blow up.
thus suggesting that i havent got a clue.
i think combi microwaves have an element in em. thats not much different from an electric oven.
so your not just using microwaves to heat your food but some other type of heat 2(dont know what its called)
so its like puting a plastic tray under a grill.
i might be wrong.
how dull am i?
need to get out more.
lets face it theres nothing worse than some drunken arse that cant stand up or talk. no matter where you are.
i myself would rather have some dutch courage. but surley any decent person would have the manners not to get arseholed.
even for those who can genuinly 'hold there ale' you've gotta be able to appreciate that you dont smell to hot to those who havent. :shock: