btw think you are all sickos I am one on the "boy" racers that ruin this for you because you are all weirdos and obviously do not have an interesting enough life that sex is everything.
You all need to stop and re-evaluate what is important in your lives as I think the fact that you all find this sort of behaviour normal and acceptable extreamly bizarr!
If you are unhappy in a relationship end it and find someone that makes you happy!
You are all only mad because I have touched on a nerve and you all know this.
If you do not want to be open to ridicule I suggest you conduct your activities off public forums and vet people who want to join.
No I am not interested in this sort of thing and I never have been. I dont like driving into a car park to eat my take away or whatever and being confrunted by sights such as this! Puts me off my food.
I await a ban and I dont really care.
lovin the origional post lmfao
but seeing as I am a newbie I am wondering what the thrill is with "dogging" surely your chosen partner should be able to excite you more than enough in the bedroom or wherever "alone" rather than having other people watch and know this. I know my partner does otherwise I wouldnt be marrying him.
I have heard other rumours about dogging and the rules such as if the interior lights on you can watch and the lights and and the window is open you can join in? Is this true? If so why would people who supposidly love each other and enjoy a good healthy sex life need this sort of thrill to make them happy? Speaking from my opinion it seems that you are unhappy and unfulfilled with your current partner to be seeking out these sort of thrills in such a risky way.
I didnt register to have a go and I am curious as to why you all do this. I am hoping that you can answer my questions.
For me the thrill is that I can satisfy my partner and he me in privacy without the need for things such as this. And no I am not a fridge and I enjoy a healthy sex life and I am not adverce to new ideas and small risks such as having sex outside etc.
Maybe you are all exibisionists and enjoy the fact that other people (men and women) find you sexually attractive?