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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 57
Bisexual Female, 53
0 miles · South Lanarkshire


hi wee. you have plenty of chances to pump katie as you well know. your time will come when your back from yer hols and the pole comes oot lol need a say more lol
sinlgle guys required to a party for gangbang fun.
private location in glasgow .
there will be 3/4 girls there for all you greedy guys so get your name down or post me and i will give you details.
there will be soft drinks,buffet,durex etc.
so let me know who wants to attend and il get back to you asap.
lets party boys xx
the party will be held on the 30th of april 8pm kick off.
i will be supplying peeps who dont have knickers at the doo. they will be handed over at the door . they maybe uncomfortable but at least they will see ye thru the night. dont want catchin the cold noo dae wi lol. you can also make a donation to the rab blyth fund for a good swally cos am skint lol. pants can be bot for £ 50 thats it just £50 wot a bargain . cannae whack it can ye , trust me tae bring a bargain . munchie will buy them awe so ye better make sure ye get there before him cos al just say katie wore em and he will be sniffing em awe night the perv lol.
i think its a disgrace that you have to attend a perty at woos shed wi nae knickers protesting to this and want as many names oan this as possible. then if i have enuf names i can present this tae woo and ban this ridiculous idea of nae knickers. so cum oan troops gimme sum support ere ffs. that wee woos a perv and wants tae take pics ffs, kiddin oan hes tyin his shoe laces just so he can have a wee chug later when were awe away . woo yer a pervo lol
whats happened here , theres no scots opening up rooms anymore, thats not good enough. months ago it used to be buzzing but now its dead. i say lets getr this room up and running again troops ,you know who you are so get yer erse back in AND GET GABBING AGAIN OKS.
hi kinky and bren, count us in. not been to a social in ages. al pass the word around and try and get numbers up ,ok babes xxxxxxx
stick oor names doon woo ya short arsed wee git fine bud happy 60th birthday wen it cums :grin.
oh and kinky keep the gravy oot the way that rich wan thinks its soup ffs lol. hi donna mwa mwa xxxx
hey kinky can ye put oor 2 names doon as we wid like tae go tae the stately home as we are posh wid feel rite at hame al tell ye lol. btw kinky that munch wans a scanky git lol. and that midnite burds no much better just tae let you know pmsl. wid be nice tae see ye awe again xxxxxxxxxxx
count us in ya pervo. katie will join in to help those willin blokes keep it hard and cum ower mids face biggrin come on you guys get booked for this event its goin to be a cracker .katie is willing to partake also .
hi , could you please put our names down as we would look forward to our fist munch in are regulars in the scottish room and woohoo could vouch for us . thanks .hope to hear back from you soon , thankx xxxxx ps, we are regulars in attending the scottish munches xx
hi sunni ,count us in please as the last one was had a brill time .katie promises to behave this time redface .
hi sunni ,would love to be included in the crimbo could msn us and let us know if we can get a place xxx,not too bothered bout buffet tho.