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Over 90 days ago


from the teenage days..
=of dark lips=
somehow she covers me with her world
leaving out all my pollution n all my worries
somehow she saves me everytime
without doing anything but talking to me
and then when she leaves she is still there
it doesnt make sense, in a way i dont want it to
as maybe then it wont mean as much
i dont have to hear her voice, just the memory of her,
not even the things she said, but the fact that she
thought and felt that way when talking, the fact that
i was talking to 'her' - this weird entity...
that is enough to create this warmth so strong that
it massages my makes me strong
the best thing about it is that it refuses to
let me depend on it, so that i can never be hurt by it,
by her. u see, it doesnt make sense. its ok, some things arent meant to make sense.
hell we only have five senses in this infinity.
that was wicked.
the way i interpreted it was that joni is the author(perhaps that wasnt the intended interpretation)...a chat between an old conscience and a fresh one, ...'mental jukebox' nice
edit: read more of your stuff....very impressed..propa style, thanks for sharing them
hmm i thought i wasnt that slutty... it says harvard is the most slutty uni....
hi everyone, hope you guys are all doing well..
i am really new to this, kinda shy, really curious and want to have fun. asian student(23) from glasgow - haven't seen any pics of asians into the scene so am wee-est bitty nervous as to what will be accepted/etc etc...
would people generally be interested?
i've never met swingers in my life. I like 's but only when they really act the part... and liked to cd occassionally (if the party gets good and the people are chill smile) -other than that im straight (dont know if that makes sense confused )...
i have a lot of fantasies about older women, especially bbw's, but i dont know where to make such friends...any advice for a new person is appreciated
take care