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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 66
0 miles · Greater Manchester


Quote by essex34m
September 2005.
I have long had a bit of a voyeuristic nature, and I guess this contributes to looking at profile sites, perving at some of the pics, and reading the wisdom contained within. Having got myself up to date with those I used, I did a google search. I found this site. My naive side gave no thought to the concept of swinging, all I know is I saw pics of women wearing boots. That was me happy. I then noticed the site had a chatroom, went in and lurked a bit, chatting occasionally. By the third night, I was made to feel like a regular. I felt welcome.
From this point on, I was a regular in the chatroom, and for a while a regular poster in the forums. Then I got introduced to the joys of munches. I soon became known as a munch whore, it seemed like every other weekend I found myself booking into a hotel, and finding the pre-munch.
Much has changed since then, but I certainly would never have changed my decision to join this site. Thanks to people who I've had some interesting experiences with, I have had my eyes, my mind and my arse opened. I guess I now regard myself as a retired swinger as I am no longer active within the scene, but thanks to this scene, I have formed friendships with some wonderful people, and encountered many good acquaintances which have been maintained to this day.
Ten years on, I find myself very grateful to the swinging scene and those within it, I've seen opinions change the way I think, I have had tears roll down my cheeks with laughter. Copious amounts of alcohol, followed by "No way! Is that time, it is bloody daylight!" and then getting home, doing a half hearted "Thanks go to....." post and then sleeping until I was reasonably coherent again.
I have some wonderful memories, both swinging and away from swinging, to everyone who has contributed, in any way, big or small I thank you.

And don't forget........ I taught you EVERYTHING you know!!
Quote by redwine_lover
i will be there..confirmed
should i book a hotel or go home as i live fairly local..dilemma!
anyone want to share a room and split cost? message me

Room share sorted... big thanks to 'you know who' xx
i will be there..confirmed
should i book a hotel or go home as i live fairly local..dilemma!
anyone want to share a room and split cost? message me
Quote by MikeNorth
I still drop in here but don't feel inspired to post much. For many of the others from the old days, things have changed. This site was thriving before.....

i am still here AND alive still......just pmsl!!
Quote by dave__firth
my wife & i love the nudist beaches around the north of furterventura

thats where we are going
Quote by lilnfil
Its nice to see lilnfil are still here bringing their eloquence and wit and je ne sais quo to the SH forum as ever.. things never change .. they just get repeated ! lol

lol redwino you old the hell are ya? kiss...... and there was us thinking your memory had failed ya years ago loon innocent
.....and whilst we're at it.....where were you at the SH birthday party?.....doesn't care in the community stretch to day trips to Birmingham? :cheers:
all good here thats and yea still confounding modern science!1
Nope i never went to the party... am not a party animal like you lol
Its nice to see lilnfil are still here bringing their eloquence and wit and je ne sais quo to the SH forum as ever.. things never change .. they just get repeated ! lol
Myself and my partner are off to Corralejo for 7 nights...would be fun to meet up with anyone who is there at the same or otherwise..get in touch please
My female partner and I are visiting Albufeira in the Algarve for a short Easter break....if there are any couples or single girls (pref bi) also out there at the same time who fancy meeting up with a fun couple, then please just get in touch...happy to meet just for a social drink or whatever..
Quote by noladreams
Just got to hotel. Awaiting my partner in crime for the evening & then might hit the bar. Can't wait for a dance & a flirt later... Hoping lots of people come & say hi!

Have a great night...sorry i can not make this munch due to alternative arrangements...must be the first Wigan munch i have missed for many years...
Quote by niceandgentle
Hi, I am having to find a daytime hotel bedroom for a special playful get together smile
I've found it quite daunting, hotel websites seem to not entertain the idea and one chain that said online that it offered 9am-6pm told me it depends on their evening bookings even if it is pre-booked weeks ahead.
Can anyone name or PM me any good leads on this topic?

Why not visit a swingers club lol many are free for couples or very cheap in day.. go and lock yourself in a private room for an hour and then have a jacuzzi... no probs lol:bounce:
now this will be a really random thing if it works out...
Is anyone going to the Gulf of Oman over Xmas this year.. i am in Muscat from 23rd to 30th December..
Get in touch if you are.... bet the inbox will be full shortly lol NOT lol
hi tigs,
Sorry but I am gonna drop out of this occasion which i do with deep regret but unf its unavoidable....i wish you all have a fab time and I know Kev would understand, I will be there with u all in spirit that evening..
Tigs - i will mail u privately xx
hey there...can you please take my name off the list as I am now unable to make it...hope you all have a fun evening....