feeling the nerves now as My first social gets nearer to
Just have these thought going through my head
Will people talk to me?
I certanly dont want to look out of place but am a shy person naturally and find it hard to strike up a conversation with new people
Yes easier here as you arnt looking into peoples faces and seeing them start to move away from you
Any tips would be appreciated
I may be getting a little paranoid here BUT do most people go by JUST looks alone?
What chance dose a person who is stocky/well built (and i dont mean down below!) have against a person who shows a six pack or well toned?
Some people cannot have a six pack /toned body what ever they do to try and change things
Am i being Paranoid about this?
Is it ok to get a little excited now please?
:happy: :cheers: :bounce:
Is it ok to get a little excited now please?
:happy: :cheers: :bounce:
May i come to please Earthy?
Well i must be bloody lucky to have my mum still here
fortunate enough to have beaten the dreaded word wont say it superstioucs(and cant spell !!!!!) twice but lost my Dad 14 years ago to the dreaded thing
Will agree that it dose get a little easier never better
My mm is the only person to call me by my full name and i mean FULL
Our mum's are all of our best friends and if we are all honest
Really looking forward to your party Dark
just checking that i am on the list !!!!
All about
Right Place
Right Time
which in my case is bloody unusual
usually wrong time right place
wrong day
The list is endless !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done hun
congratulations what a perfect start to your week
Sounds fantastic Dark
Marcuso beet me again !!!!!!!!!!!! may i be no 2 please Dark?
Please may i have an invite to your social
Am in the middle of the Uk so London is only an hour away
many thanks
Poor Abi
well it sounds like your hosts were fantastic
Hope you feel better now tho
Sorry Abi
total mis read of the post
My first social WOO HOO cant wait
very impressed Dawnie
hope to learn how to do that one day !!!!
Really looking forward to meeting you all
Tux is ordered
Manolishi wrote:
Abilene wrote:
Oooooo I am sooooo excited. In seven days I will be driving north, feeling the breeze in my hair, the vibrations of the road under me and the anticipation of getting stuck in traffic ahead of me.
Not sure if Abi needs the M6 but if so allow good time its mad on there.
Cant understand why Abi needs the M6?
Unless she has a detour the M1 is better
Abi please PM me
now there is a thought Dark
body massarge and oils
ok girls form an orderly que
whos first !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well judging by the dresses on show there will be some Beautiful and stunning ladies at Darks Birthday party
Wonder what Dark is wearing?
you will look stunning in that hun
Spiky shoes or not
so it look like there will be some guys in tuxs
glad i mentioned it
looking forward to meeting you all
The pre party drinks coulfd be very interesting
well i hope i wont be the only one dressed in a tux
dont want to look a pillock on my first social
hope that help
Just to let people know that i have space for 3 people if anyone would like a life to Darks Party
I will be comming from the M1 j16 (Northampton) so if anyone would like a lift please PM me
Dark i didnt expect you to publish details on thread
thats fine hun no problem