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1 month ago
Straight Male, 61
United Kingdom


About Me

This is a long profile but an honest one, it's one about being human and loving sex romps with other humans!

I'm very easy going and have a good sense of humour. I look ok, no male model but ok, I'm not a Johnny Depp lookalike, just a tall, well built 61 year old guy with with a good head of hair, reasonable looking, in fact perfectly sane attractive people have let me join in with their erotic adventuring's in the past, and I hope others will do so in the future.

I am cautious in negotiating a meet but that is because of a need for total privacy which I also offer likewise to those who may consent to play with me!

Which leads us nicely on to the sexy sexy bit!

I'm looking for liberated, clued in, easy going, warm people who share my deep love of sharing wonderful NSA hassle free sexual pleasure, my ideal is a beautiful, explicit sexy romp - I love to see lingerie on women, its the best way to play -

I am interested in single ladies, couples whatever, of any legal age and any race, and any shape and size, however I expect to mostly appeal to the more mature couples, and they certainly appeal to me too! One thing I'd love to experience is to play with an Indian couple, you all look so lovely so do contact me if you're looking for a white partner for your three way!

I am str8 but very broadminded and open about anything except any nasty stuff or bad vibes. My attitude is I have no wish to ever catch or give anyone anything, and no wish to be caused or to cause any emotional distress to anyone.

It's about meeting with smiles and parting with smiles for me, it's not a test, it's not about being exploitative, it's about consensual and joyous sharing of our bodies and our sexual feelings.

I care about who I'm with when I am with them and everything has to be about mutual respect and privacy, as I said total privacy in fact.

My attitude is there's no rush, it's not a race in the build up of messages, phone calls etc and we all have lives and commitments and finding the right time and a suitable venue can take time but once we meet (IF we ever meet) we'll just know if.. and if we don't mutually 'feel it' no hard feelings.

I can be flexible timewise, can do some daytimes even. I have experienced a few threesomes mfm and other combinations like mmmf but am not a seen it all done it all type.

It's a big leap from a PM to a real full on sexual encounter together but when that leap is made it can be them most wonderous feeling.

Regardless of me and this profile I hope you have the very best of luck with all YOUR big leaps! ;-)

I am a professional, confident and genuine male .extremely clean,discreet,respectful and sincere.




Adult parties
Erotic writing
Gang bangs
Group sex
Making videos
Oral sex
Outdoor sex
Role play
Straight sex


Female Couple
Age: 18 - 100
Distance: 150 miles