Quote by Staggerlee_BB
OK - If you can buy coal - for the sake of argument:
1) For £15 / tonne from Australia
2) For £12 / tonne from Poland
3) For £20 / tonne from UK
Where would you get your coal from?
Fact is coal could (and still can) be mined and shipped half way around the world cheaper than it could have been taken out of the UK mines because of outdated and uneconomic working practices.
So ---- Why keep an outdated and filthy industry that pollutes and contributes massively to Global Warming?
The UK was unprepared for the arrival of the global economy. The Unions fought to keep and enhance protectionist working practices whilst Japanese factories churned out motor vehicles with barely a human interaction and ships manned with "cheap" crews took all of the UK freight and inexpensive coal from overseas made our mines uneconomical to keep open.
Industrial evolution and global economics - not appreciating these issues is common amongst the socialist working class because of long standing beliefs that Britain is truly great. It was, not anymore though.
Same answer from me I`m afraid .......
It was my understanding that all of the competion was from countries that subsidised their mining industries because it made economic sense to support them rather than paying unemployment ..
As I stated ....I may be wrong but the fact that you`ve completely ignored any of the answers given after your last post, kinda suggests that you have no argument ..
Of course coal is cheaper from countries that support their essential industries through subsidies ....Dur !!
It`s the idiots who fail to see that subsidy is better than unemployment who lose out in the end .
I think you will find that we have all lost out.
We have no motor industry, no shipping industry and virtually all heavy industry (steel, shipbuilding etc) has gone.
I think you will find that Australia and Poland could (and still can) extract coal and ship it to the UK cheaper than it could be dug from our ground because of a number of facts including shallow seams and efficient working methods.
You are just deluded to think that the Unions have done any good at all for this country. They should have been smashed in the 1970's and we could have had a chance to maintain some industrial dignity instead of losing everything to countries who were eager to work and di9d not demand the same outdated conditions that were being demanded at the time here in the UK.
Who decimated the steel industry ?? the unions didn't close one single foundry forge or rolling mill
Who decimated the mining industry??the unions didn't close one single pit
Who closed the car factories?the cotton mills?name me one single factory that has been closed by a union ??
Where is the dignity of working as slave labour for a pittance...if the unions fought for decent wages and conditions well done to them,it's a damn shame that the third world countries who sell us cheap goods made by children for penny a day wages don't similar organisations...If we can't compete perhaps we should try to raise their working classes to our level rather than insisting our working classes are lowered to theirs
I was a Navigator in the Merchant Navy and I thought it was great that the Union negotiated that for every day we had at sea we had a day in the UK (on full pay). Some years later when i had been made redundant and all the Company ships sold to foreign flag operators I wondered at the wisdom of negotiating such wonderful perks.
The problem is that the economy IS global - like it or not and we have to be globally competitive.
Yes, it would be nice to have the same job all our life and get steady and reliable increases but that is a fantasy world that will never be a reality because of the way our world works. In micro economics a company down the road that can be more efficient than you can cut its prices and give you problems - the same argument applies around the globe. Why do you think call centres are now predominantly in India - cost saving of course.
I am sorry Staggs but you have a puritanical and fantasy view of how life should be - but it just is not like that at all in the real world. We all have to accept that we will have jobs, do well, get sacked and have to start over leaner, meaner and more competitive. These are the natural laws of survival and unfortunately in this country we have believed for too long that we are owed something better. We are not owed anything and everything we do has to be hard earned and fought for.
As an aside - this very argument is being battled out now between Unite who wanted to maintain outdtated working practices which were effectively making BA non profitable since the arrival of the low cost operators. Unite will lose this battle and if they don't the demise of BA will be a humiliating day for this country. But really, the fact is that BA are no longer the worlds favourite airline - Ryanair is. Ryaniar run a tight ship, pay shit wages and have poor working conditions but they carry lots of people cos they can do it cheap. - ie economically competitive.
And you believe that the only way to compete is a constant erosion of pay and working conditions ?? where do we stop with this downward spiral ? we live in country where call centres are being moved back from India because they're cheaper to run over here,whilst I congratulate our Indian brothers for raising their standards to above ours I despair of the fact we have fallen so low, your attitude is one of the reasons why...you may know your place in the world and be content..I for one will not be content whilst the average working man in this and any other country continues to fall further and further behind .You have no need to be sorry my view is neither puritanical or a fantasy,the idea that there is a 'natural law' to an artificial man made order of things tells me one thing only ,you are beaten you are defeated by 'the man ' and have bought his lies hook line and sinker....we are, you're right, not owed anything, we have to earn and fight for whatever we get,the trades union movement has been fighting for and earning rights for the common man for hundreds of years and you're prepared to just throw them away without a word of complaint.....shame on you
Snap s3xy....crossed in posting

You say it far more eloquently than me though