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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 57


Quote by Dave__Notts

A story that changes every time it is dragged out....

It was very similar to get the gist it is the same story
Disagree Dave.
No mention of punching him and leaving in the 2012 version.
2012 version 'On the way home he texted and called my 'play' mobile, my personal mobile and my work phone - the last two he should not have had.'
2007 version 'Any way, after that I called him on the way home to say, you know you are getting a bit intense and maybe we ought to cool things down a bit, after all I entered into this to meet friends and to have a bit of fun, but not to meet anyone serous or to have any problems. '
2012 version 'On the way home he texted and called my 'play' mobile, my personal mobile and my work phone - the last two he should not have had.'
2007 version 'He doesn't have my actual 'personal' number - I'm not that silly, but I have two swinging numbers, one for people I trust and another for people I don't trust. '
2012 version 'I didn't tell him what I did or where I worked, even after two months of random meets as I am VERY cautious. '
2007 version 'The only reason he had my work email address was because he did some research for me on a new job I have (started today with no sleep whatsoever - not good!!) '
2012 version 'I didn't tell him what I did or where I worked, even after two months of random meets as I am VERY cautious'
2007 version 'I told him about 2 days ago that I didn't want to see him again intimately and that we ought to be friends, after he pulled my hair in public when he didn't like the way the conversation was going - ok during sex but not in a bar where I fecking work!!! '
Should I continue?
Quote by ambervixen
Skinny - how the hell did you get in touch with this loon, if he was escaped then did you find him at a bus stop?
Sorry, not funny and definitely scary.
I met a guy from a swinging site - who ended up dragging me back by my hair in a bar after I told him I didn't want to see him any more - I punched him and left.
On the way home he texted and called my 'play' mobile, my personal mobile and my work phone - the last two he should not have had.
He called for three days - every three minutes - then he emailed me at work and phoned my desk number.
Next day...
He turned up at my work - with a teddy and a creepy card left at reception - he was sitting outside THREE hours after I went down to get it staring at the doors. I copied the card and sent it all back by courier to his office - with a letter - clearly telling him to stop harassing me or I would go to the police.
I didn't tell him what I did or where I worked, even after two months of random meets as I am VERY cautious.
That weekend he turned up at my flat - again - he didn't know where I lived, or even what area of London - he asked to be let in - my then flatmates thought he was a random ex - I said just tell him to fuck off - he barged past two of them and into my bedroom with flowers - after I had told him in no UNCERTAIN terms to keep the fuck away from me. I got up and went NUTS pushing him out - my flatmates pushed him out the door and he lurked outside for three hours - I moved house shortly afterwards to be safe.
He had stalked me for two weeks. Was he nuts - definitely - could you tell NOOO
- He had a PHD from Oxford and was a senior correspondent for a national newspaper.
I emailed him at work with copies of his increasingly wierd and threatening emails and letters, citing his behaviour and told him that if I EVER heard from him again in ANY capacity - all the evidence was going to two papers - a tabloid - and the editor of the broadsheet he writes for.
RESULT - Silence.
People are scary and swinging can be risky, it is best to take precautions.
- Ask to see the person on cam WHILE speaking to them on the phone.
- By a cheap and disposable mobile as your 'play' phone so you can ditch the sim card if someone gets wierd - keep a note of regular and trusted contacts in a notebook.
- Always meet with someone in a public place to see what you think of them - do not go to someone's home alone without meeting them first and do not invite someone to your home that you do not know.
- If you can afford it the first time you play - get a hotel room - there will be people in the room next to you.
- I as a rule to not play with people on a first meet, I make it social and it gives me time to see what I think of them.
- If from a particular site - see if you can get someone you know or have met to vouch for them.
- Walk away at ANY point you have concerns.
As you can see my 'rules' are bourne of the above and other utterly scary/random meets.
It pays to be patient. If someone I am writing to or corresponding with gets pushy or odd before I meet them, they are deleted - if someone is odd at a social drink - I leave.
If someone I am playing with makes me feel uncomfortable - I leave.
Sorry for the essay I write way too quickly.
Be safe all, Amber xxx

A story that changes every time it is dragged out....
Quote by neilinleeds

Gotta love the Daily Mash Ben. It's one of the first URLs I type of a morning.
N x x x ;)

Brilliant! Noted and bookmarked lol
Quote by brucie
my experience is that swingers on the whole are less tolerant and more judgemental than most people i meet. they are also older fatter and less attractive generally. that might be a socio economic thing though as outside of swinging i am usually found in gastropubs and expensive bars. it might also have to do with the fact that swinging couples seem to be so defensive about single males that they lead their swinging lives with more "rules" than normal people lead their sexual lives. swingers will more easily reel off their do's and dont's about sex than vanillas (as vanillas have usually given it less thought and deal with each situation when confronted).

Pot, kettle, black :lol2: You just do not learn, do you? You have the audacity to claim that swingers are older, (note the comma) fatter and less attractive and yet you have a photo in your private gallery, which, by your own admission, is 10 years out of date! Why? rotflmao
Quote by tweeky
You can't edit someone else's posts in threads that they've made. confused

No, only in quotes.
If you had clicked on the links you have seen they are unedited and are exactly as quoted above
Quote by tweeky
I have not looked at the links but one of two things happened
1: Someone has been editing. Submit a support ticket and someones in big trouble
2: Your Bi
I couldn't give a shit either way but if its number 1 I would rather the culprit is off the site.
Finally in past topics if the thread originator deletes all the opening thread text and the title or changes it and also all the other thread text the topic gets taken down as its all to confusing confused??: Not saying it would happen here but it has happened in the past.

Option 2 100% because I haven't been editing biggrin
Quote by Dirtygirly
To be honest... now I'm waiting for someone to trawl brucie's posts for the blinder about him wearing girls' undies!

Quote by brucie
someone has been norty and having fun at my expense. im not bothered. if i was i could just delete this thread.
anyway, any guy who puts his cock in my mouth can expect the bite of a great white shark :-)

Just so you know you can't delete this thread because other people have posted on it.
It's all there in black and white Brucie, there's no way you can deny it. Posts all written by you :lol2: There's no shame in being bi so just admit it biggrin
Quote by brucie
in the right circumstances.
i play with a few couples and am orally bi. i find the girls love watching their guys suck and get sucked. i doubtthey would be so hot on full anal though, that would be a step further than 'just a bit of fun'...
Quote by brucie
anyway, ive been out dogging last couple of evenings. as im bi, i have had fun each time. to my surprise a very fit young couple showed up at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (can i name place as its in the pasttense?) at about last night. i was being sucked by a guy whenthey arrived and there was no one else there, so they got out of the car and watched. aftera while i was being sucked by the girl and the guy was being sucked by the guy who had been sucking me. great evening!
anyone want to meet tonight post here or pm me.
do you think im bi? asked by brucie .....innocent.......... and answered by brucie lol
someone has been editing here!
Nobody has edited anything. You have just deleted the second post link but I found a few others biggrin
Quote by brucie
single BI men.
we will be out from about not allowed to post location so pm if you dont know the main place at the start of the A1...
Quote by brucie
sunset in soho is good. there a re well known couple, greg and lisa, who go most wednesday evenings and lisa has been known to blow the whole cinema off in one session. and we aint talking suicide bombers here...
fantasy is very seedy. ive been a coupel of times and never seen any females. the gay action is pretty hardcore too. massive sessions in the corridors with groups of men. as someone who is bi in 3somes/4somes with femalesparticipating i find fantasy a little hard core...

Just in case you go and delete or edit them Ive taken copies of the originals. smile
Why can't you just be honest? You are bi, so what?
Quote by brucie
in the right circumstances.
i play with a few couples and am orally bi. i find the girls love watching their guys suck and get sucked. i doubtthey would be so hot on full anal though, that would be a step further than 'just a bit of fun'...
Quote by brucie
anyway, ive been out dogging last couple of evenings. as im bi, i have had fun each time. to my surprise a very fit young couple showed up at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (can i name place as its in the pasttense?) at about last night. i was being sucked by a guy whenthey arrived and there was no one else there, so they got out of the car and watched. aftera while i was being sucked by the girl and the guy was being sucked by the guy who had been sucking me. great evening!
anyone want to meet tonight post here or pm me.
Quote by deancannock
Is it really so difficult to see what kaz was saying and meaning !!!
There is a great amount of anti-west feeling in alot of asian countries. This is mostly generated by extremists in that country. They tell these poor deprived people about how rich the west has become, on the back of the pittance of money they pay these people to work in their factories. They depict the west as the big bad ogre...uncareing and just on look out to line there own pockets, at any expense. Maybe..just maybe if they see the west giving them aid, and asisistance, they might think twice about what these extremists are telling them.
Also was mentioned earlier about some of the money falling into the wrong hands. This happened in the 1970's...and lessons were learnt. All the aid is now given in the form of goods ..such as tents, blankets, clothes, medicine, food..etc etc.....all these items are heavily branded as aid donated by UK or whoever . This is deliberatly done so that the people who recieve these goods, know exactly where they came from....for the reason given above.
I am not here to comment on the rights or wrongs of giving the aid...... but although giving the aid is shown as an act of compassion, in most things there is also a motive at the back end of it.
What price a life I guess !! If it stops 1 person becoming a suicide bomber, and killing and maiming numerous innocent people, would you then consider it worth it ???

£36.9 billion is budgeted for defence for 2010/11. Far less could be spent and utilised elsewhere if we didn't have to worry about extremist threats, the reasons for which Dean has explained above. £134 million is a small price to pay if it help those less fortunate and lessens the chances of terrorist attacks in the future.
Quote by Funlovers2009
We once had a single girl contact us and she realy wanted to meet us but she bluntly refused to let us see any pictures of her because of her job. We gave her loads of options: MSN, email, text, etc. It didnt matter how many times we told her that we dont meet without seeing pics she just kept telling us that she was a woman and was good looking but couldnt let us see any pictures because of her job.
How bizzare!!

So that's what Clare Short has been up to since she stood down as an MP after the 2010 general election :giggle:
Quote by essex34m
s3xyl3xy, that's the nicest thing anyone has done for me for a while, thank you!

I admit it was a pleasure to do it for you Essex34m, you are very welcome kiss
I admit that this vid below is purely for my own indulgence and other Gibbs lovers of course! biggrin
I admit I agree with Dirtygirly, I love Sundays too! smile
I admit that Freckledbird's man sounds wonderful!!
I admit that I just had to search these out especially for Essex34m and for our other NCIS groupies :grin:
Quote by couplefunuk
I / We admit to be more NCIS groupies.
I / We admit to knowing that the new series airs in the States this week.
I admit to having a thing for Ziva, Caitlin and Abby. Can you imagine the fun n games you could have!
I also admit to being a big fan of CSI and Criminal Minds too. Oooh the cast memebers contained therein. Hubba!

I admit that I too am a CSI groupie! Not seen Criminal Minds, will look it up biggrin
I admit I smiled lots at a PM that I found in my inbox :rascal:
I admit that I am curious as to what a sonic screwdriver is and what it can do lol?
I admit I went out for dinner with a female friend last night and our chatter was more than a bit risque as we reminisced about us each leading an alternative lifestyle... Got the shock of my life when I got up to leave to find my mum, brother, sister in law, aunty and two nephews sat at the table directly behind us!! I don't think they heard anything, at least I have not had any awkward phone calls today as yet! lol
I admit I have had a very busy week and am wanting to just chill out this evening on the sofa at home but it's my sister in laws 40th and the gathering of the clan is expected. Tempted to feign a headache but that would be wrong and you can guarantee I would end up with a real one.
I admit I have become aware that my ex is now involved with someone else and the temptation to warn her about him is overwhelming. I won't though as I'm sure it won't be long before she figures him out for herself poor girl.
I admit that I can work with Vampanya's suggestion of doing Gibbs and Abby seperately lol
I admit that I popped my head into the Current Affairs forum and retreated quickly after ducking to avoid all the rattles and buns being thrown :eeek:
I admit that I am liking no longer being the oldest swinger in town. Thanks to whichever kind admin person sorted out my forum join date biggrin
This used to have special meaning for me when I thought of my ex when we were together.
Now this is more appropriate
I admit that I am glad that I am not alone in my NCIS fixation :grin:
I admit that I do think of Gibbs a lot!! He features in a lot of my private playtime :rascal: But thinking of me, him and Abby is just not for me smile Not because I am straight, Abby is lovely, it's true, it's just that I think of their relationship on screen as like father/daughter :eeek: Sorry Vampanya and Thebonediggers kiss biggrin
I admit that venturing into the chatroom just now was hilarious!! No more than a minute in and I was whispered with "just couldn't believe it - all that talk abaout anal and when she say it, she said "thats too much" - I know its nice to be told ur big, but I wanted her ass!"
Followed by "Oops sorry" etc etc
I admit that I have a feeling his "mistaken" whisper was just a bit more intentional than he made out rolleyes Nice try though :lol2:
Quote by meat2pleaseu
what ever colour i put on they pretty quickly end up being cat hair coloured rolleyes

Or cat sick covered :roll: lol I just attempted to take some pics for Sinsi (for ironing educational purposes :lol2: ) only to find that one of my kittens had yocked on the bed :scared: Had to change the whole chabang!! Damned kitties :lol2:
So now we have silky chocolate, cream, green and goldy bedding. I'm not very good with a camera and you can't see the note I wrote but I gave it a go :grin:

Have to show silky chocolate and burnt orange another time :grin:
Quote by SinSi
Colour is obviously a personal thing and can also be seasonal - darker warmer colours in winter, light airy colours in summer etc. In tests it's reported that white is the best colour for your bedding as it's apparently the most relaxing as you drift off into slumber!
Just as long as you iron it all it doesn't matter :happy:

You iron your bedding!! It just gets crumpled anyway so what's the point? :grin:
Or maybe the ironing is foreplay? :rascal:
So would you prefer a tidy well made bed or the crumpled unmade look with sheets and duvet half off the bed when getting into some one's bedroom? The power of a well made bed bodes far better don't you think?
Hospital corners? :grin:
Quote by SinSi
Currently silky chocolate brown with cream and burnt orange applique, matching cushions and throw. It's fun watching my kittens slide off it :grin:

Hmmm nice combination of colours and fabrics, I'd certainly love to see your kitten slide off it! redface
:grin: My kitty has perfected the art!
Quote by SinSi
Colour is obviously a personal thing and can also be seasonal - darker warmer colours in winter, light airy colours in summer etc. In tests it's reported that white is the best colour for your bedding as it's apparently the most relaxing as you drift off into slumber!
Just as long as you iron it all it doesn't matter :happy:

You iron your bedding!! It just gets crumpled anyway so what's the point? :grin:
Or maybe the ironing is foreplay? :rascal:
Currently silky chocolate brown with cream and burnt orange applique, matching cushions and throw. It's fun watching my kittens slide off it :grin:
Quote by essex34m

Ahh now that explains why my ex was stopped and questioned when he was taking photos of an oil refinery. It was night time and the smoke was billowing, the lights looked fantastic against the nights sky and it was a picture just waiting to be taken. He did get a few but his efforts were soon curtailed.

Photographers are an easy target, and far too often terrorism is the reason the authorities (not just Police, but private security companies too) use to attempt to stop people doing something which is not against the law.
I am known to both civilian and MOD Police, for taking pictures of military aircraft both in the air and on airbases, and am also involved in helping with setting up a scheme in conjunction with MOD Police and USAF Police as a way of involving people on both sides of the fence, to act as eyes and ears, and to also prove to them we are not a threat, just people who have varying interests in aviation.
Sadly, not everybody is that understanding about the freedoms that photographers have, or the fact they are not a threat.
I find it a sad endictment of our society that you have to set up a scheme and make yourself known to the powers that be that you are not a threat. You should just be able to do what you enjoy doing without being questioned as to your motives for taking a photo of an AWACS.
Quote by old_arse
s3xyl3xy wrote:
How on earth did they figure his attending such a demo would constitute an act of terrorism?
Boy!!!......What short memories!!!.......Don't you remember some of the antics from the 'authorities' during the national miners strike????.......Regardless of your politics that should have made people aware of the true nature of our 'security forces'!!!
I got quite a few bruises for simply standing in the wrong place.........and was stopped altogether from travelling to Yorkshire and the Midlands.......All within a 'free' state!!

Hey been there done that debate, best not to go there on this forum :lol2: Joking!! :grin: Sorry no I would not agree that anyone in the 80's would have constituted any acts during the miners strike as an act of terrorism.
I am however in agreement that the true nature of our security forces are questionable at times.
Quote by essex34m

*IN EDIT* some one here may be able to explain how the law could have been stretched to cover this

It can't.
Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2008 has been used far too often in situations where it has not been applicable, purely because the Police have used the fear of it to suit themselves.
As an amateur photographer, this is a subject that I have read about on numerous occasions, much of it due to ignorance by those that has tried to hide behind it.

Ahh now that explains why my ex was stopped and questioned when he was taking photos of an oil refinery. It was night time and the smoke was billowing, the lights looked fantastic against the nights sky and it was a picture just waiting to be taken. He did get a few but his efforts were soon curtailed.
Quote by old_arse
Used to be one on the Wirral some years gone......Only a small thing it wasn't supervised too well and certain elements were a bit TOO fond of using it for other adult 'pastimes' ( wasn't me!!!.....Honest!! :twisted: ......but I DID look occasionally!! )........Needless to say the 'moral' brigade had it closed down pdq.......bloody spoilsports!! :sad:

New Brighton? Hey look don't encourage him, I have just had my dinner and don't want to throw it up in fear of what he might come up with next :lol2: