Quote by oliveoyl
hope all goes well for you olive xxx
Quote by Will_32
WHOOOOT Vodka Jelly .... nice one babes
cant wait .. need a night out
see ya soon
Quote by little gem
Am sure Gem will appreciate your words tho She is a truly nice person (till she has a whip in her hand ---- then run :wink:
Steph :lol: :lol:
Quote by Sexysteph
Puutting the case for u single lads friday night would be better as we aint allowed in after 7:30 pm on a Saturday ( and they close the curtains lol) the night before the munch would be interesting. well thets my 3 penny worth xxxxx
Quote by Sexysteph
sorry have to agree with AlexDJ here once the word dare is mentioned its a must do hehehehe is gonne keep quiet at this party lol
Quote by AlexClaireSX
sorry have to agree with AlexDJ here once the word dare is mentioned its a must do hehehehe is gonne keep quiet at this party lol
Quote by freckledbird
I know I'm sticking my nose in here, but anyone who is going should be aware that giving out details of hotels that Mark has given to them is really a bit of a no-no. He hasn't yet posted the list of attendees and is probably not able to now, as he will be in Glasgow. So you could possibly be giving details to someone who won't be invited.
I'm sure Mark takes the security of his party seriously and wouldn't want that compromised by anyone giving out details. Mark (or someone nominated by him) should be the only one sending out hotel details.
Quote by AlexClaireSX
errrrr Alex (just be warned I have brought bulk buy listerine strips and can use them very very effectively )
Quote by Stuart_Tanina
We'd like to know too Don't keep us in suspenders ............. oooooooopssss meant suspense
Quote by markz
LOL..yeah I'm free
But having a severe drought :cry:
And I work weekends so sometimes have still gotta get up Maybe I'm sad coz I think everyones gettin some at the weekend!
Quote by scooterkdl
Meet SwingersFree Party in Bolton Sat 26th November - FULL UP
So does that mean...
No more room at the Inn?
Can't get in?
Your not coming?
¿Usted no puede venir?
Sie können nicht kommen?
Non potete venire?
Full House
Wish we knew you, now it looks like Cupids. Not a bad thing we suppose.
Have great night
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Quote by redgirlmanc
hi redgirl,sent two pms this week but no reply.....fingers crossed
Quote by little gem
Hi-Karate! :shock: Not half........... nasty stuff.
Alison, go ahead........ bore me! bore me! Please!!!!!!!!!!
Gem. x
Quote by mr filth
I'm from around that area and i would pop out for a beer with you (no im not gay :shock: ) but im working all dont you prop up one of the bars in 'treacle' town centre,theres always a weirdo who will chat to you there