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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54
United Kingdom


hi ya mrs c can ya take me off the list pls a have got me dates all mixed up (dohhhhhhhhhhhhhh) lol, thanx xxxxxxxxxxxx
will you add me pls mrs c a now am late again as usual, thankyou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi mrs c can u add me to the list pls, a will bring the 10's n 20's for the table or do i just need warm hands ???? lol
thankyou for adding me mrs c, o and i will need to do a quick internal check though just to make sure lol
wave hi ya mrs c anychance of shoehorning me into this social pls ,been that long since the last one i went to i bet ya all look diferent now lol xx
Hi ya mrs c
will you add me to list please
hope i'm not to late ??
cockshaver xxxxxxxx
hi cocky can i cancell my invitation to the 18th social please i have got to pick my daughter up from newcastle for the summer holliday's sorry to mess you about cockshaver xxxxxxx
confused wow is that u there ali-chris thought ya's had left s/h and the country rotflmao but thanx for the compleeeeeeeeeeeee ali cool will b nice 2 talk 2 ya's again :cheers: xxx tc
biggrin can i come to the next derby social on the 18th july pls cockslut & will you add me to the to list pls cocky ?, will be nice to meet every1 again x :D rolleyes :D
biggrin hi cocky can i have an invite to my first social pls, I realy think it's about time i see exactlly who it is tht i hv been chatting to all these weeks lol, thnk's..............cockshaver
wouldn't you think this day'n'age there wasn't some arangement that doggers,resident's&police couldn't come to so every body is happy and we can all live in harmony just as an example..can't drive through the village's after a certain time & hv to stick to useing the main road's..... it's the year 2008 for god sake!!!!
from my personal experiences hv been aproached by police on a number of occasions when at dogging location's but all thy hv been concerned about is my welfare and just checking that i am ok and most of the time they just come in the parks drive round and go streight back out again so get's me thinking weather police are just being given hard time when actualy thy don't do anything????
and also he just comenting on police force as he see's it and from his own experiences but let's not forget the police force is a massive huge organisation.
but have also read other post's which also get's ya thinking, can johno/police officer coment on them??
confused well i started dogging about a year ogo at nottingham sites think you all now where i mean who visit the places in nott's, and it used to be so busy sometimes you couldn't even get in the car park's but just can't understand it, it is so quiet now you could almost say dead, can anybody shed any light on the matter?? :?
well done blue you haven't got any ideas on getting rid of the boy racer's aswell hv you, as for dog_hunter just can't believe what comes out of some peoples mouth should be banned from this site for life with coment's like tht
take care every one !!!!
Hi all does anyone else have this problem when trying too veiw profiles & you end up whispering person ... hoe do you veiw profiles when in chatrooms please
hi all yes i have the problem of whispering people but its only because i forget to press the chat to all button after i have viewed a members profile while in chatroom, my sincere appolegy's to all the member's i have done this to
what is the difference between a wise man and a fool?a wise learns from everyone elses mistakes and a fool learns from his own.
I also have been experienceing difficultiies with the beta chat, am quite happily camming&chatting to people when all of a suden everything goes white and am not able to get back onto it for about 10mins and it has happened on quite a number of occations
what is the difference between a wise man and a fool?
a wise learns from everyone elses mistakes and a fool llearns from his own.