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Over 90 days ago


im sorry if you are of the opinion that his thread is being "hijacked" but there is NO intention of doing that at all to LC and the posting i made is related to this as it shows that it has been done before to somebody else, and no personal comments where made except for the direct comments contained within the email. obviously as swingers genuine ones would appreciate being told yes or no instead of thinkin things are arranged to be dropped as you have all posted really nice things regarding LC then yes he seems to be a nice guy and obviously genuine as people who know him and that dont have not got no problem with him at all but as the site title ses, this is the one for "genuine" swingers confused: i would like to think so and the hosts do a great job in trying to keep it as genuine as they can
firstly may i say i have been out of the chatroom for quite a while due to snide comments coming from bi curious male as to "shit i caused" etc etc but as this has now come to light i would like to take this opportunity to have my say, as i have kept qt for long enuff thinkin that it was a one off, which it seems to me that this isnt. A few months back we went thru the same sort of thing with marcuso and as u will see below, i have kept the email which he sent. this was during his time as manager in another swinging community and with reference to a "do" which he was organising. we encountered alot of messing about and me bein me, did say to marcuso exactly what ii thoughjt of him (also as u will see from the email) well i will now post it and let u see for yourselves just what its like :
the first section is his original email sent to me, the second part my reply
Stop making your little digs in the comm.
I, for one, am not impressed at all by them. You have a little dig whenever you can, I, however come straight to the point.
You have not, and will never wind me up, so all you are doing is wasting your time. I am an easy going person, who lets sleeping dogs lie. You, however seem to bear a grudge. If you had taken the time to let me explain why you didn't get an invite to the party at my house, instead of going off the deep end and taking things personally, then you will have had things explained to in the numbers were rising rapidly and the people you mentioned that had already been invited without me meeting them personally
"you were so adamant that no one was going to the party that you had not met previously however we know this also to be a slight deviation in the truth as we know someone very well that is attending that has never met you at all,"
I had already invited those persons, so couldn't really go back on my word as they were already on the invite list.
Anyway, back to the point about you having a dig in the comm.
In 1 of your messages posted on there, you have had a dig at me
"Surely the "host" on the evening should of been able to introduce people etc as star and lisa did with the empire members??? "
If this kind of digging carries on, then I will terminate your membership. PLEASE MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT THAT!!!
The whole swinging scene is supposed to be about people meeting up and making friends etc. Not about having sly digs at people. If you can't find it in yourself to be civil, then please don't post anything. Myself and all the managers want to keep this comm. as happy and successful as it has been, and that doesn't include having an air of unease around the place.
As for me introducing you to everyone, I didn't personally know everyone who was there, and didn't introduce many people to others as most seemed to be doing a pretty good job of it themselves.
Also, Clive introduced himself to me and I found him to be a very amiable guy. You, on the other hand just seemed to want to have a go at me by calling me a "two-faced bastard". I'm sure if you ask anyone in the comm. or in the SH chatroom, you will find no-one that would call me two-faced. This is because I am honest and open with everyone.
As for you arriving "unannounced"
"and would like to apologize for arriving unannounced but what the hell eh, we all like surprises"
If you are not on the invite list for the next one, and you try to get in, you will be turned away at the door. And there will be doormen next time. This applies to everyione, not just you, so don't think I am having a go at you personally. So please don't waste your time and fuel travelling if you are not on the list.
One final word.................If you feel that you would like to copy and paste this e-mail, or forward it on to whoever you want, as you have done in the past, then please feel free to do so. I have said nothing in this mail that I wouldn't say to your face, and feel that I have not said anything at all out of place. If you think I have, then please don't hesitate to let me know which points you think I am being unfair on.
Now can we call a truce and will you stop digging???????
REPLY : firstly to begin with, i had enuff trust in you to forward on personal details ie my fone number (landline) etc with regards to your personal party, i said to you at the time, i thought you was a 2 faced prick and repeated that when YOU approached me at the room meet on saturday, I DID NOT APPROACH YOU!!!! secondly Im was invited to the room meet way back ago by one of the comms managers, arriving unnanounced and saying over the surprises was reference to the people who was shocked by us turning up, nothing to do with you at all. A number of people who we know personally was attending the meeting and was surprised by us being there. We went to bury the hatchett with people who we have had discrepancies with and have been resolved and this person was there and the matter was resolved then.
I have not pasted or copied any of your conversations with me to anyone but as i have been accused of this then i am posting it where it can be openly viewed by members to see what the assist manager is doing. I am doing this as i feel strongly that you have personally threatened me when it has been made blatantly obvious that i wish to have nothing to do with you, as i said to you on saturday night, i have not come here to speak to you and i am now getting threatened with termination of my membership !!!! The same assistant manager who now thinks that clive is an "amiable" guy saw fit to BAN him from the comms over a posting that somebody else made??? surely this is victimisation because we are friends with another couple you decided that you would ban a member for something he had not done nor have any part in whatsoever.
so what we dont get on with you and have no intentions of getting on with you but as regards to taking things personally, then you have done so by comments i have posted in the comms being directed at you ie over the surprises!!! both managers of the comms wer surprised to see us and i personally would waste my time or energy on having digs at you, but your the one saying over personally???
and just to top it all, you are blocked from my messenger as i have no wish to even speak to you as i have already told you on here and face to face so as far as i am concerned i aint got a grudge, ive said what i needed to. so as far as i was concerned i wudnt even waste my storage space on getting at you.
but i am not happy with receiving an email from you to my personal inbox containing threatening and abusive material as copied above, by the way with reference to copying and pasting, you have also done the same in your email so thats about level par aint it !
Hello there peeps, we just been to the empire/heaven mini munch an would like to attend this one cos ya seem to be a great bunch lol we are shaz and clive an can be found poppin about the room when we at home an live pretty close to manc land so seems good to us wink drinkies