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Time for us to update i goes.

About us:

He is 41, straight and not one bit interested in men whatsoever. So please no more questions relating or offering anything to do with this. It's not gonna and never gonna happen.

She is 41, bi but more interested in the male gender (more options lol)

She is into most things with the exception of watersports, cross dressing and or anything like men in nappies etc. It's a huge turn off and a big no no for her.

She loves to explore her sexuality and is very greedy. Not into any quickies and prefers her sex with a bit more substance.

Looking for:

A single male...not more than 10 yrs either way really although there might be a few exceptions! lol. She prefers muscular guys with a sense of humour. Why so serious? lol.

It's supposed to be fun! Stimulation of the mind is the key.

To enjoy a threesome and more.


We are very friendly and will happily chat but please ASK to whisper 1st!

No friend requests please unless we agree that you can. It's annoying and will be a waste of your time as they will not get accepted. We like to get to know you 1st!

Winks are ok, within reason as long as they are not multiple bombardments!

Do not do private cams but will occasionly go on cam when in the mood. So if you ask and we don't want to please accept this.

Do not give mobile numbers out willy nilly so if you ask then you will be disappointed. If you wish to give us yours that is entirely your decision and we will not guarantee any contact but will treat them with the utmost respect.

We are a intelligent, fun, happily married couple who have no secrets. We play together so another huge no no is to ask or expect a meet with just she alone. Infact you will just kill your chances altogether.

As for meets we have children and we are a busy couple so it's difficult but not impossible so if you do fall into that very few lucky ones please be patient!

We find that we've had to add this in as well: if you can never meet and you are just on here for perving or a bit of fun thats fine but please be upfront about it as then we won't be wasting our time considering you for a meet. The amount of lies we've been spun is unreal and the worst thing is we already knew they were lying to start with lol.

Well we think that's it for now..anything else you will just have to make the effort to find out in the chatroom or something.

Hope you are all having fun. Take care x


Oral sex
Straight sex


Age: 25 - 40
Distance: 20 miles