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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 56
0 miles · Greater Manchester


I'd love to come along, I've a feeling I met your sister in another lifetime ')
Simon x
Well I've done the Roleplay rehab course but once upon a time that was a big thing with me, these days its:
Reading, mainly genre stuff (SF, fantasy, crime, history, slipstream things)
Music, spend (yes spend I know Im old fashioned) way too much on it. All things alternative, any othe Sigur Ros fans in here?
Does beer count as a hobby? Thats beer in a blokey sit down and be sarcy for hours on end way rather than anything too spotterish.
Just got a bike in a vain attempt to get fit, not sure how long it'll last, the hill outside my house is a right bugger.
Yeah I've got a fair few:
Love Letter, Nick Cave
There is a light, Smiths
Hurt, Johnny Cash
Lets be honest most of my CD collection is of the dark and supposedly miserable ilk...
Wedding Present at the International 2 in Manchester, late 80's. Drunken orgy of northern melancholy and wit.
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds same venue early 90's, arguement with girlfreind she stormed off (I think the goths scared her) I stayed and watched a truely fantastic perfomance.
No I'm afarid it doesn't. Totally differnt format, games no longer on cd/dvd sized discs... bastards!
Well I'd just like to point out my long hair! But lets be honest I'm getting to the age where I'm more Bill Bailey than Bon Jovi...
What would I like? Peace and bloddy quiet would be good! Time to actually do more than tap away at the keyboard at night grrrrr
Yeah geeky hippy guy, Hadn't you guessed Angel? I'm even using a comic character as an avatar on here, couldn't find any D&D ones lol. On another topic(ish), its still geeky, isnt the new Kate Bush album wonderfull? Answers on a postcard to the usual address
Whats happened to the chatroom? Damned inconsiderate abyway! Here I am all bored grrrrrr
Ah good, I may try Cupids tomorrow afternoon, anyone else thinking of going?
Never been to a club before, will it be OK me turning up? Actually what I mean to say is are single men welcome?
Yeah I've always fancied a strap on myself but wouldn't really describe myself as bi let alone gay. Guess it gives physcologists something to write about...
All this sounds like a damn good idea, I'm 37 bi in Tameside. Love to cum and see and join in ;)