mids hun, I am really sorry but am going to have to bow out of this one hun, will see ya all at cov though
whey hey, am on, looking forward to seeing all of you again.
can i get on the list please try
hiya mids hun, can I get on the list please
Hi can I be included please
we'd love to come if er indoors is off work, still waiting for the final verdict on that one.
Oh and bouncy, you should have heard how eloquent the speech was when my wife asked me if i wanted to go lol
Idea is simple, you ask mrs chats to make your dream come true, tell her how and she will do her utmost to make it a reality...
I will start...........
Mrs chats my dream come true is to see the word 'sleazy' written in lipstick across that rather delightful chest of yours.
well to be truthful we have already been, but we will go again lol
count us in dean mate
can you confirm us please, we will be attending.
I will need to check with her who must be obeyed but i think its safe to get us on the list mids, if we can attend
I am trying to establish a demographic of physical preferences in men.
I would appreciate it if you could take the time to answer this short survey in order to help create some usable data. Feel free to answer either here or pm me if you prefer.
Thank you.
Head and Face
1)Hair A)Short B)Long C)Bald
2)Facial Hair A)None B)tash C)Full
3)Piercings A)Yes B)No
4)Skin A)Tanned B)Natural
5)Shape A)Muscular B)Slim C)Well Built
6)Piercings A)Yes B)No
7)Tattoos A)Arms B)Anywhere C)non
8)Shape A) Long B) wide C) No preference
9)Hair A) Shaved B) Trimmed C) Natural
10)Piercings A) Yes B) No
Whilst I appreciate this is a very basic breakdown of body styles your answers will still give me some data with which to start.
Thank you for your time in reading this far and I hope you will continue to answer the questions.
we going, anyone else fancy meeting for a drink and a natter.
don't worry about it suedey
only difference is,, you are old now instead of just looking it lol
have a great day mate
oh go on then,
stick me and naughtynymphos down please mids
x x x
can u put us down please laine,
luv to party with ya
eh up, count us errr,, err in lol
whey hey its finally here. I missed last one( well actually chose not to go lol) but am there tonight, see you all later peeps
x x x x
looks like i am being dragged kicking and screaming to this one.....
well when i say dragged kicking and screaming what i really mean is.......
WHEY HEY can't wait lol
p.s. Thank you ta very much miss slut for making it so i can get to this party x
I'm gunna have to sit this one out, prior commitments and all that, but hope you all have fun
x x x
hiya hun,appy birthday to ya,
I know ya not get everything ya want (cause i am busy all day) but I hope its an excellentone anyway
x x x x
mids and cockup you are veritible stars to light the path in a darkened world. ( OK OK maybe thats over the top a little). Seriously, thanks for making a great night happen, was great to see some new faces and catch up with some old ones (you know who ya are mr straight).
Looking forward to the next one, catch ya all at cov byee for now
Not a day goes past that I don't thank my biggest piece of good fortune ever, naughtynymphos saying yes to marrying me.
On this her birthday I just want to wish her happiness ( or is that a penis) health and good times for the coming year.
love you duck
x x x
Not so long ago, ya needed at least a computer to get online, normally a large box with a monitor placed in the living room, something that was easy to monitor what children were doing on that, but them days are long gone.
Now I am all for technology but i do find it startling how many products these days come fully equipped for internet access, and more specifically how many of them are aimed at children. NInteno wii, ds, sony psp and playstation 3 all have full internet browsers. Add to this virtually any mobile phone costing more than 20 quid.
The thing that worries me is that with these products there is no one to oversee what content a child can get too, parental controls on at least 3 of the products I have listed are a joke and may as well not be there. Shouldn't these companies take the 'safety' of their intended customer base a little more seriously ?