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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 62


All we need now is someone to tell a joke to lighten the mood.

What did the hurricane say to the palm tree?
Hold onto your nuts this isn't gonna be no ordinary "BLOW JOB"
Crummy I know but apt for this thread don't you think.
:cry: I,m afraid not ur still looking at it from the wrong angle. I'll try again, A lady who doesn't need turning on to do it will do it even better when she is. Better than someone who needs turning on to do it. That's just my opinion. shud anyone respond to my ad the way I want them to and we get it on, I will post confomation of this.
Are you all missing the point. I want a chick who likes to do it I'm quite prepared to help her out any way she wants,but she's got to like doing it without being turned on first or to put it another way the thought of doing it turns her on.
Don't know if I dare get involved. I simply wanted someone who just enjoyed doing it. I know if u press the rite buttons u can get rewarded, but if they don't like doing it it just ain't as good.
Quote by smashem
Deleted - read the bloody rules you clown!

Sorry I'll go & read up redface
:twisted: No it's got nothing to do with Christmas it's about me not having my cocked sucked properly for years. All I want is for a lady(female repeat female) to give me a wonderous blow job please. I'm not a weirdo or creepy lookin it just seems that every girl I date just isn't into that kind of thing. Call it bad luck if u like but I'm sick of it so if u'd like to help me out i'd b much obliged :shock: