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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 69
0 miles · Southampton


Hi My sexy girlfriend and i are staying in a Bournmouth hotel Saturday night, would love some company, bi fem or bi fem couple. we are both 53 but not old and wrinkly. We are slim and fit.
Please leave a message in my mailbox.
Mary and Maz
hiya, the sexy girlfriend at me are staying in a bournmouth hotel on saturday 07/11, which has evening entertainment, we would love a bi-fem to join us for a few hours, for after entertainment entertainment.
please give us a shout.
what a sexy lady, if you ever need a place for the night, please give me a shout, i have empty house on your side of southampton.
Hello peeps
Sat 13/06/09 for one week, 2 bed flat near alicante, all paid for, car paid for, plenty of room any lady fancy sharing.
Hi Guys
I am a single bloke looking to take a holiday, although i have heard of this place, i have never been, how do i book a holiday there, and can a single bloke find fun there.
Best wishes
I am looking to have a holiday on June 13th for one week, and would love to have a woman along or join a couple.
Dont mind where, nothing outragous, just a normal holiday.
Any suggestions.
Hello Sexies
We will be in Torrevieja next week, sun and sea, can you supply the sex.
Let us know.
Love Sexy and Maz
Hi Sexies
i have an empty house today, want to meet, maybe lots of men, maybe a few cpls, whatever you fantasy, i will try and make it come true.
If you just want someone to watch, or your want some help, get in touch
MODERATOR removed text breaking site AUP. You've had a previous warning for the very same thing.
any couples or Bi-Fems looking to meet saturday 9th please give us a shout, maybe a drink or a meal, and maybe some fun.
Please add us to your social meeting, we are mary and Mario
Mary and Mario
Mods edit - removed email address which breaks the AUPs when posted on the forum