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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 37


ANyone females want to meet on tuesday. maybe you want to get out of the house whilst football is on. or just come along anyways. pleas leave me a message and get back to me. im a 18 lad and live in southport area.
Thanks Zak
can anyone let me know when there will be any dogging sessions in southport and were. if you cant post the informationon here then please pm me thanks
ever venture to the southport area as there is alot of people joined on here who are from round this area but most are males. we need the ladies specially experienced ones to come and show us how this actually works as i am a swinging virgin and i need someone to break that virginity.
hey the title basically says it all. if you are in area and willing for a meet please either post on here or pm me. thanks very much.
this is just getting very ridiculous. the hurricane katrina has made this alot worse as i heard that the fuel stations was ruined.
all i can say is you will know when you have to tell them. you will know when it feels right. just tell them the truth and tell them that you enjoy it, just tell them how it is. if they dont agree then then owell, they oviously cant love you that much if they cant stand by you for something you like to do.
hope i helped which i doubt i prob did
yeh i would be definately interested in a "belly wank" and also interested in a tit wank because i must say that your breasts are very very nice in your ad. cant say i have ever had a belly would though.
yes i travel to manchester all the time as thats were i am originally from. i have spoken to a few mates of mine and they have said they have had some sort of action with us swingers in bookbinders, also it is supposed to be shooting up in how many people are going aswell.
i reckon that this fuel problem will definately put a strain on us doggers. also it still puts strain on us at the moment as the fuel prices are fuckin sky high. they say dont panic but why is their ques all across my area just to get petrol at the garage? o well we are doggers and no matter what happens im sure we can all still meet up werever the location smile
ok guys i have been on this site for months now n yet i havent recieved a meet. im sure you are all well aware that i have been asking but still cant get a meet, i need someone who willl get me in the swing of things but also be considerate as i havent yet done this sort of thing. sso if you all could at least try or arrange a meet i would be very grateful.
thank you
just wondered if there was actually anyone from the southport area or round abouts. coz it doesnt seem like their is. if not then anyone know a site closer to home? just london is abit far to travel all time. or in surrounding areas.
im 19 and looking for anything in the southport area. any ages welcome. im quite new but oviously not that new to this/ please get back to me asap. thanks very much.
ok. wondered if anyone fancied a meet in my area tonight. please get back to me. im up for anything. cheers.
yeh well like most people know on here i am very new to all this so i do not know were all the locations are. im afraid
im all alone tonight and was wondering if anyone knows any locations i can go around here. can travel but not to far as i have hardly any petrol lol. please pm thanks
just wondered if anyone fancied a meet tonight in southport please get back to me thanks
just thought i would ask, do you arrange meets like for example boy racers meet but oviously out kind of meet would be alittle more low profile?
sorry guys i am making a complete idiot out of myself. its just that i dont really know much about it and thats why ive joined here to meet new people and also to understand dogging.
Does anyone ever travell to Southport often. as i sometimes go XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. their is quite a number of cars their and was just wondering how do you know if people are actually doggers.
IDIOT! Do not include exact locations.... and this belongs in dogging!
am i right in saying that "dogging" is legal, as ive had a few people say it isnt its like prostitution, but i say it isnt as people actually dont pay for it and its abit like a hobbie. we all go out for fun and a laugh just like people do on friday and saturday nights for example, clubbing. just wanted to see if anyone actually new if it was or wasnt.
ok thank you for the advice, like i have said i am very new to all this but i am keen enough to actually try and sort a kinda relationship out with all you guys. sorry if i sounded very desperate or something i didnt want to come across that way at all. rolleyes
can anyone give me some advice on wa to do about meeting up with a lady and wat happens or how u start thigs to happen because i would be interested in meeting up wit a lady tonight if anyone. im very new so would appreciate any help thanks
hi my name is zak im 18 year old and i have found out about dogging it really interests me and i would love it if a girl could ya no fill me in with wat its all about and maybe teach me a few things in person. im from southport so a nice gal from around here would be abit more suitbale please reply soon thanks
ps. i really need help peopel so anythin would be nice
thanks zak