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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 47


29, prof, can accom in cambridge. have a look at my profile and get in touch!
chilly week-end, the heater is not enoughsmile
Hi all, out and about this morning in the chatroom. Get in touch for those interested..
Take care,
anyone around Cambridge feels like going out for a drink?badly need one!;)
Hey, hope you found your eggs today, am still looking for mine.. could it be you?smile in cambridge, 29, bi-c, couple of pics on prof..
get back;
Bi-curious, would love to accom a bi-couple for a drink, chill out, same room fun if we click.. in central cambridge. couple of pics on profile.
Hi all, anyone to recommend a nice gay/bi sauna for someone bi-curious, and who's looking for a start. Or would that be totally the wrong place to get initiated? suggestions most welcome..
Hi all, been going through the Clubs listed on the site... any good recommendations for an easy-going swinging/exhibitionist spa? bi-c here, just love the relaxing and thrilling atmosphere in these places...
Merci and enjoy.
how about a drink? 28, bi-c, easy-going, non-pushy.... take it slowly but
In the chatroom..
Enjoy xx
Hello all, having a day-off and looking for anyone arnd up for a meet...
early morning fun... great profile. bi-c, time to explore...
it's sunday, let's rock;p
Hello, in south Cambs, looking for a meet locally on this lovely evening... a drink wd be a great start...
what abt catching the 8pm kickoff?;D
hi there, cosy at home, and wanting to host a small party... anyone around cambs/herts?
PM me..
27m, bi-curious, cambridge, can accom today, discrete... PM me, or email: (or on MSN with cam). Adverts: #481997, #487146.
27m Cambridge, bi-curious, on cam now.. any couples for cam fun around?
Anyone in central cambrigde and looking for a meet? 27m, can accom, ultimate not essential, looking for someone(s) to enjoy the start of 2006smile
27m, cambrigde, can accom/travel, here to make true your first 2006 fanatsysmile get in touch, bi-curious male, central cambridge.
Gosh, that's so sad.... will PM you for another meet, hope there are others around today(fingers x).
need some warmth this morning..
hey, 27m in central cambridge, looks like the weather is great for staying indoors. Can accom, looking for exhibitionist couples, femmes, Tv/Ts, who would be interested in coming over and enjoy the day... my participation not essential.. can meet for a 'social' drink first. PM me..
hello all, pretty new to the scence, why do you think people like ourselves get attracted here? is it something internal? or is it that we focus on it so much that it never leaves our minds and the pursuit for higher, wilder encounters and fantasies is never ending....
merry xmas all!
hello all, just looking for some advice about the right gift for my partner, any recommendations? there are just so many out there, wonder which one would do it!
merry xmas
in cambridge, and pretty free for the whole lonng week-end, no plans yet, any suggestions where to look?
merry x-mas
27, 28, 29... the secret lies in '_78', born in 1978.., so that gives us 27 dearsmile and may i know your secret about how you keep up such a nice cleavage... gosh, hope 'cleavage' won't get the post removed!
tks for your sweet wise words about honesty...
you've got eyes for everything! it's _78, makes it 27, may have posted at 28 before i reckon..
gosh, the patrol is aroundsmile but thanks for pointing it out, gotta be more honest more often!
day off today, living in cambridge, 27m, anyone around fancy a meet?