hmmm maybe that's the study of insects (must get a dictionary)...
but thanks for the derviation from cuckoo - I wasn't aware of that, very interesting.
As an aside, the original meaning does include an element of humiliation for the cuckoldee, as it was clearly a term to be used as an insult to show a man was weak and pathetic, and I think that use does have a resonance with the use in this community.
well - good point...but i didn't say I'd found a spellchekur
wondering why ppl can't just answer the question rather than direct Abi somewhere else. Very simple a cuckold is a man whose wife has had sex with another man. Shakespeare knew the word.
i fond a dictionary is quite helpful in these circumstances - you dont need wikipedia for everything...
others have tried and failed to organize this, it really does need one person with time and energy to organize it. I can't imagine how you can possibly get a venue for 25 guys (and a few girls) unless someone will allow their big house top be used.
but if you do arrange something Phil, please pm me. Would love to come 2 cum...
for those who wanted a poll option of 'trim' I tried to add another option which was 'balls only' but screwed up and couldn't see how to re-edit it!
Anyway - interesting that nearly all the women hate hairy balls, so I have taken this to heart and will continue to shave mine. Also decided that for those oh-so-rare deep throat moments i will keep the shaft hairless down to the base.
Can't face doing the rest though, guys in the shower after 5-a-side would be gob-smacked.
If anyone other than the lovely hungrypussy (see earlier - but nothing happenned) wants to feel and report back to the cafe - pm me for more details!
have to say i trimmed my balls this am in the shower, and rather like the feeling. Will canvas the opinion of the next person who gets to feel them..ha ha
Anyone who looks at porn these days knows that the actresses are always shaved or at the least severely trimmed theses days, though hasn't always been so. It seems to have been imported from the US porn industry. As an aside, there's a funny line in Ali Smith's latest novel when this teenage boy is astonished by the pubic hair of an older woman who seduces him - as he only saw naked women on the internet he assumed they had no hair!
The fashion has certainly become very common among swingers - you only have to look at the cams, and film stars as well as pantie-less Paris, Britney, Lohan and Pammy have proved.
But what i have recently noticed is guys in porn shaving as well. Do any guys here do this? Do their partners like it? Do the fem SHers like a non-hairy pubic area?
For myself, i like variety, but i have to say the fashion has turned me off very hairy pussies - i like to see at least a trim, and shouldn't us guys offer women the same option?
well, really its dead easy - just get a hotel room and pay cash. There are several hotels which have rooms for £50-£60 which you dont need to book in advance, so you dont need your credit card.
can i just say, Tina-1 - that not only are your shoes lovely, but you are absolutely drop-dead gorgeous with some fantastic rude pics on your profile. All your bits are sexy, and yr shoes just round off (point off) the whole package.
I think naked except for stockings and shoes would be a good pic to put in yr next post.
Yours perv-iciously
well, i'm afraid i have no idea how to post photos, but i DO like the one you have posted - which is a very classy black bra encased pair of boobs. Your private ones are probably good too, but you can be assured they are not visible!