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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 64


Everywhere dead mate - been dogging for years round here and every year its got quieter.
Not had touch in a long time. Even though I love this site the dogging places referred to in here are dead and have been for a long time.
Wisley used to be good - as did windsor but not anymore. Hogs Back out of use now due to stupid behaviour by some guys.
Yateley common has 2 nice car parks - ideal - but never used by couples.
New to this side of messaging - so hope you get this.
I am still experiencing disconnection issues. Happens every 5 mins or so. Treid everything form chatting a lot to saying nothing at all but makes no difference - still get booted.
Only happened since new chat arrived!
Thanks for looking into it.
Hi - would love to meet up with you but dont know your area that well for doggging sites.
Have you tried going to Kesterls at all? - Nice club for meeting people.
Am in H'row area on Weds 21st and wondered if anyone going to Kestrels lunchtime/afternoon??
Hi all
Just wondered if any one is out in the Puttenham or Guildford area tonite - would love to meet up.
Hi all.
Looking for lady near heathrow area to take to lunch then move on to kestrals for some afternoon fun.
It's a bit cold out there now and a bit hit and miss as to if there will be many there mid-week. So, why not make our own fun.
Am Surrey/Hants based (who'd have thought it from my name)business man, late forties, clean and respectable.
Any one interested please contact me back either through the forum or message me.
Good fun all.
Gone a bit quite lately - not seen any action for a couple of months now - plus autumns setting in............