Having been through the whole emotional rollercoaster of the IVF process, I do feel sorry for both people involved, however, I do think all of the courts made the right decision...like fem_4_taboo says, it would have opened a real can of worms if it had gone the other way.
i.e. if the father's new partner was infertile and he demanded the right to implant the embryo's into her against Natalie Evan's wishes.
At least this case will ensure that everyone is fully aware of the law and the possibility of a future break up - so I guess this particular situation will never happen again.
I'm not sure the father was being selfish...they would all have been aware of their legal rights at the outset and I don;t think he would want the emotional burden of knowing there was a child of his out there without his involvement.
I've heard some people say that she was being selfish by dragging him through the courts too - although I think most people in her position would quite rightly have done exactly the same.
Now it's possible, I do think more couples will opt to freeze both unfertilised eggs (which the woman has sole rights to) and embryos (which requires consent of both).