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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 65


Will be attending on the Sat with lady friend and staying overnight at the Hilton. Looking to meet other couples for fun and laughter. Happy to receive PMs and confirm we are genuine.
Whilst I'm not a regular visitor to Rios I attended last Saturday during couples only and two months previously also on a Sat and thoroughly enjoyed both visits. Rooms were busy, people friendly and facilities throughout the club were reasonable. Only moan is with regards to the few that come in wearing swimming costumes or shorts, but I quess it's each to their own.
Hoping to be there on Wednesday with a lady friend. Hoping for a day of sunshine like Sunday, to have fun and to see a few friends. T x
Due to unforeseen circumstances am unable to make tomorrow night. Stan, I wish you a great 40th and am sorry I'm going to miss out on all the fun and games. Wish u all a fab time. Hoping my cancellation is not too last minute and another single guy can step in. Terry x
Thanks for the invite Two x Got my accomm sorted. Staying in a swingers place advertised on here. Got it booked and will be happy to share if anyone is stuck for a room. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Hi, could I make up the number 10 on the single guys front. Will be on business in Manchester on the Friday so attendance on the Sat night will not be a problem. Terry
Hiya xx
Would love to attend this one. Not been to Eureka b4 but guess there's always a first time. Wondering how the caravan bookings go,will be happy to share T x
Hiya x Please add me to the list for this one. Will be coming as a couple with a lady who has membership at Chams but is not on SH. Hope that's OK. Txx
Just to add my well done to B&L for another successful and immensely enjoyable gettogether. Shame it all ended a little abruptly but everyone left with a smile and that's the important thing. Thanks Bob&Lis xx
Hiya xx
Just confirming attendance. Looking forward to catching up with friends 'old' and 'new'.
Hi Bob & Lisa,
Long time no chat. Hope u r both keeping really well.
Agree an Essex social is long overdue and when one is placed on the forum and organised by the two of you then it means it will be a bit special; so please consider a place for me. Will be on holi from 16th Oct but back in good time to make this one. Terry xx
Hi Bob & Lisa!
Just wanted to say well done in organising what should b another explosive 'Essex Social' Can't b easy with work and other commitments but without efforts like yours, sites like this would simply die. Hope to catch up a little later on...and hope to enjoy another evening 2 remember. xx.
Hi Bob&Lisa!
Confirming attendance. Looking forward to meeting everyone on the day. Terry x
After sampling the delights of Kestrals for the first time this week I feel another visit is certainly on the cards. S, please include me on your list of probables and I'll confirm a bit nearer the time. Terry x
Hi Bob! Hi Lisa! Hope u r both well. Last time I made the mistake of delaying a confirmation until it was too late. This time please add me to your list and you know I will advise u in good time if I'm unable to make it. Kind Regards Terry xx
Thanks for the invite.
Have my hotel room booked and am looking forward to meeting everyone.
Terry xx
Hi Preston!
Hopefully I'm not too late as I would love to be added to your list. Have been planning a trip to Blackpool for ages and this sounds like the perfect opportunity.
Wow! This looks like being one amazing social!
I have booked in at the local guest house and would be more than happy to share.
Terry x
Well for your first attempt on the forum you've not done bad. This looks like being a big turnout and a great social.
I will be booking my room next week so if there are other singles who want to share please advise.
Hi BobLisa!
I also hope to make the new date but will inform you in good time if circumstances change. Please include me on the ever growing list.
Hi BobLisa!
An Essex social sounds great and long overdue on the forum. Please include my name as a definite. It will be nice to chat face to face to other Essex folks rather than in the chat room. Terry.
Hi Caz-Phill!
I would be interested in attending. Please send me details at your convenience.
Hi Zena,
Just a big thank you for organising a great social. I look forward to the next one and hope to pop in to the Surrey Room from time to time and say hello!
Hi Zena!
Club idea is great. Do you have an incline on the venue so that anyone interested can maybe check out the club rules etc.
Hi Zena!
I can also confirm attendance. I look forward to receiving details. Terry.