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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 58
Straight Male, 49


We found what the op said very interesting.  We have been in "the scene" for about 14 years.  In that time we have seen HUGE changes.  When we first started it was not with this site and then found this one after a year or so.  When we joined we discovered a lot of like minded people that were happy with chat about darkest kinks and also do with respect and with humour.

Over time this has changed dramatically, now we find that a lot of the humour has gone and people are only after a "quick shag". Socials/munches used to be full on weekends lol. We used to take over hotels and travel all over the Country to attend these. Quite often these never ended in a shag but a lot of fun was had and great friendships were formed (these friendships are still strong and we all still chat to one another, albeit through normal social media now lol)   

Do we miss these times, yes, we miss the fun, we miss the kinkiness and in some ways the secretiveness of being a "Swinger" now in someways it is the norm! lol 

My aunt and uncle are both doing my family history. The last I heard was that one of my ancestors was Queen Elizabeth 1 lady in waiting. That's is about all I know. I would like to look into it myself but have not got the time or money sad
Major rant....just got back off holiday. We went away last minute to a little villa in Spain and it was lovely. BUT...the Car Hire Companies are total pissing taking wankers.
We hired a car and it was 80 Euros. It was only a small car as there was only me and Mr Tigs. We then got told that we had to pay another 4 euros for additional insurance. We both had an idea that this might happen. They then proceeded to charge us 101 Euros for a tank of diesel...This was a fecking joke, especially as we only used half a tank and you dont get a refund for the unused half....No the cheeky fecking piss taking wankers then charge the next person 101 Euros for a full tank but in actual fact they are only putting in half a tank, cause Ive just paid for the other half.....grrrrr. OH and the car was bloody filthy...Grrrr RANT OVER
in the the late 70's 80's and even eary 90's sexual abuse was pushed under the table and not spoken about about. If it happened you just got on with it (believe me i know this to be true). I have spoken very recently about this matter to therapists and they agee with me.. in the 70/80 people got on with it..theydid not speak of what was going it is more prolific and more accepable to say...he/she abused people will believe you, because peple are more open minded and accepting that there are evil fuckers out there. Ths is why people likeJimmy Saville has been cauht. It does not matter if he is dead..if he abused kids he is an evil fecker that needs t0 burn in hell. i grew up loving people like Rolf Harris and am so saddened by the fact that he has been charged with chid sex offencess BUT the police not have charge without sufficicent evidence.. Pole need to realise that abuse did happen in the 70'sand 80's but people were to blind to see it
My tesco's has just started doing the "scan your shopping as you shop thing". I love using gadgets and though, this willsave lots of time. Walk around tesco, pickup my shopping, scan it, and pack it as I go.. happy me................
Get to check out, scan to finish and then the fecking machine tells me that I my shopping needs to be security checked :mad: so then some guy comes over and takes all my shopping out and scans it all through again............grrrrrrrrrrrrrr fecking total waste of fecking time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never using the fecking service again.!!!!!
My older sister has been smoking since she was about 11 and due to health reasons she has now got to give up. She used to smoke about 20 a day and She started using the E-cigs she has been able to cut back to about 10/15 a week, which is a huge improvement. She is hoping that over time she will be able to fully give up.
We joined a differet site to begin with and when we were signing up we did not realise you would need a "username". We had both partaken in a "funny" ciggie and when it came to putting in a user name we looked around the room and nothing came to mind. Then we saw the mouse mat...It had Tigger on we put in tiggersgobounce (or so we thought) and added the 69 for added naughtiness.
It then took us another week and another "funny" ciggie to realise that we had mispelt tiggersgobounce lol hence stuck and it has been that now for nearly 10 years and every site we have joined we have always been and always will be tigersgobounce69 or Mr and Mrs Tigs to our friends smile
Quote by Dlep
And your ass is looking particularly peachy tonight too wink

That's cause it's at least 10 years younger than my current ass!!
It doesn't matter that it is 10 years older...Id still covert thy arse...;)
If I recall, yours ain't bad either ;)
Aww fanks ... and you're not bad yourself passionkiss
Quote by Dirtygirly
And your ass is looking particularly peachy tonight too wink

That's cause it's at least 10 years younger than my current ass!!
It doesn't matter that it is 10 years older...Id still covert thy arse...;)
Well as I am actually in bed right at this moment...I have on NOTHING, NARDER, ZILCH and also Mr Tigs is naked as well...asleep but naked smile
Ive just read this whole thread...yes I know it's not that big..but I'm just clarifig...
Paddy...You started this thread to hi-light the bullying that is going on in the chatrooms and now in the Forums.... Then you insult DG and bully her? Then run away.. have I got that right!!!
If so WHY????? people were being nice to you. People were being honest and tryig to help!! I dont get it *walks away in disgust* loon
I (Mrs T) works in education and has been at the same eductioinal establishment for the past 9 years. In this time the "dress code" has become quite strict.
When I first started, in the summer we were allowed to wear smart crop trousers and t shirts, obviously though we had to make sure that we did the "mirror test" in the morning. This meant putting your clothes on and leaning over and checking that there was no cleavage on show.
Now only smart clothes are allowed and not open shoes. All tattoos MUST be covered and makeup tame. Tops have to be smart and of office attire. I can see in the future that we will all be wearing suits!!!
Quote by MikeC
Funny enough both my girls are "obsessed" with Harry Potter and have been since the first book came out. The listen to the books consistently and also read them consistently. they can actualy quote chapters from the books!...See told you they were obsessed!!!!
The have even call each other Fred and George! and so it goes that they call me Molly!

:thumbup: They have good taste. I like Fred & George. Great characters.
My eldest actually found a lady that would knig her proper fred and george jumpers. She had two made with G and F on them and she gave the G jumper to my youngest for her 21st. They spent the whole say in them and they are still there favourite jumpers.
I was actually shocked at how much they cost!!!!!
your youngest is 21 you dont look old enough to have a 21 year old
I like you Mike...but then I always can come again....My eldest is 24 now so yep Im getting really really old... lol
Quote by noladreams
Funny enough both my girls are "obsessed" with Harry Potter and have been since the first book came out. The listen to the books consistently and also read them consistently. they can actualy quote chapters from the books!...See told you they were obsessed!!!!
The have even call each other Fred and George! and so it goes that they call me Molly!

:thumbup: They have good taste. I like Fred & George. Great characters.
My eldest actually found a lady that would knig her proper fred and george jumpers. She had two made with G and F on them and she gave the G jumper to my youngest for her 21st. They spent the whole say in them and they are still there favourite jumpers.
I was actually shocked at how much they cost!!!!!
Vodka Jelly (the famous tatty vodka jelly)
Chocolate...lots and lots and lots of chocolate
Are we in??????
little bit sad that we never went to a Blue's Party. Mostly because we were too nervous and Blue was scary :crazy:well to us she was, but then when we got to know her she is actually a nice person :rose:
Pineapple is wrong...full stop...I don't care for it at all..It makes my mouth itch.
Celery on its own it yukky beyond yukky. It is the food of the devil.
But celery and peanut butter is lush smile
Oh and squirty cream...this is only acceptable if it is in a dish but then only a small amount. The amount of people I can seen in my lifetime that do that whole..
Pick up the tin and squirt it into their mouth!!!!! WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!
Funny enough both my girls are "obsessed" with Harry Potter and have been since the first book came out. The listen to the books consistently and also read them consistently. they can actualy quote chapters from the books!...See told you they were obsessed!!!!
The have even call each other Fred and George! and so it goes that they call me Molly!
Quote by noladreams
Happy decade of SH-ness!

What she said lol
Happy SH 10 Year Birthday, you have bought life back to the forums xx
:rose: So when does the party start ???
Mr Tigs has always and will always be the one that sits in the corner and keeps himself to himself...he doesnt do socialising lol On the other hand Im normally the one flitting around a room either talking to everyone or sitting in the the corner with Mr Tigs because I have dragged someone over and Im chewing their ear off with my insistent nattering :lol:
My computer desk is my dining room other than the lappy and a few letters, some photos, a can of deodarant and a Revernd and the makers cd and the obligatory cup of coffee, not a lot smile
Quote by Colin55
If you participate in phone sex do you run the chance of catching hearing AIDS?:confused:

You will fit in fine here lol
Welcome, pull up and chair, join in and don't let any of the miserable gits scary you off :lol:
Quote by Lizaleanrob
i would be Marvin from hitch hikers guide to the galaxy lol

Mr Tigs is definately Marvin as well :lol:
Quote by tattyxpx
Did I do it dunno
yay I can post ;-)

Trust you to turn up and start instigating trouble. Blood bint lol xxx missed you hunni xxx
Quote by MikeC
Like any forum people come and go... I know I didn't spend much time on the forum, I was more a chatroom person back then but boy the new SH chatroom doesn't have the same feel the old one did

Totally agree, miss the old chat room sad
Just seen this thread and im totally shocked that there isnt a post on here from KBUK.
If he was still around id have jap slapped him from here to kingdom come for not answering this on lol
Quote by MikeC
Who you calling old dears??
lol :lol: :lol:

Are you a narcoleptic too? rolleyes
i remember when i was first in the scene i though early 30s was old.....and that is what i am now......i must be ancient smile
Shit Mike if you are calling yourself "Ancient" becasue you are in your early 30's...what the hell does it make us guys........................ Oh you dont have to answer that