...where all the alcohol and adult toys have been locked in the large box in the darkest corner of the woods.....the skies opened and large drops of rain began to fall, soaking the mod ..................
:doh: i can put whatever i want now, it started a debate, then it turned personal.....
hear goes.....
Once upon a time lived an young man in the middle of a dark secluded wood, he was a tall heavy set man and looked as though he had worked hard for most of his young life....
His nearest neighbours a young couple lived across the other side of the valley. They were newly weds moved from the city for a taste of the quiet life....
As the clouds starting to blanket the evening sky, a storm could be heard in the distance...suddenly.....................
we'll have to agree to disagree, otherwise this could go on longer than the olympic bid itself.....my final thoughts ... yes i do encourage my daughter to do sports but if there was an accident whilst doing so, i'd like to know there was the facilities available to help with that and recovery.....not as some cases recently highlighted that people have waited days for scanners, x-rays..months for operations and medicines and years in some cases for other treatments....
The path of the righteous pant is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil pants. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of dark pants, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost pants. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my pants. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my pants upon thee.
as far as im concerned geography has nothing to do with it...if it was in Manchester or Birmingham i would still object.....
And as far as "its lottery money" so fecking wot.....that does not mean that it cant be used to help fund hospitals or research etc..
AND YES i would pay more taxes for better schools, hospitals, dentists, police & fire services etc....
wot i object to is the fact billions are spent on so called sporting events be it the olympics or the commenwealth games and all the countries ills are solved and we leave a fantastic legacy of sporting venues for our grandchildren.....
well im sorry i dont agree with you and its makes no difference where the money comes from....it cud come from outer space for all i care, there is still better things to spend it on..much better things
as a country we already put millions into sports, arts and other past times and pursuits !! and yes i agree we also put billions into the services such as police, nhs, dentists, medical research etc....
is it enough ?? and would you rather your children be healthy and safe ? or have a nice football field for them to play on ??
i know which i would rather have and plenty of others too..so what legacy do you want for your kids....
well aint that nice ....oooh my daughters children will be able to go running in a fantastic stadium in London....well i'd rather the money be spent on living in a safe enviroment, where my kids get good health, medical treatment and dental treatment, where its safe to walk the streets and 1000's of people are not living below the poverty line...our legacy to the coming generations should be that ..not a fecking track n field stadium....
why dont we do somthing unusual..instead of trying to win the olympic bid and spend millions on this sporting event, let someone else have it, we all watch it on TV like every other year and we spend millions on the NHS, police, schools and poverty within the UK....just a thought
enjoy your stay...and dont expect any chat in "real" time...lol..this lot cant think that fast let alone type as well....
no one has ever dared me to do anything....
im not a goth and neithers my wife....
(although i havnt got a wife. it just sounded better !!)
in Arizona it is illeagal to have more than two dildos in a house
i keep it well trimmed and shaved nuts...
:shock: i dont wanna inflict hairy nuts on the ladies....ewwww
i just thought i would post a "pointless" thread, one of no significance and for no particular reason...wanna reply then make it pointless and NO "quotes" from prvious replies, cos then there might be a point...i think..shit this is pointless :shock:
I spent most of my life NOT showing much emotion and being "strong" !! then wen i split from my partner found that its quite a relief to let it go and have a good cry...it releases so much frustration and hurt and probably more....
so let it go guys...it isnt a weakness ..in fact showing emotion is a strength imho..
BUT you must also take into account the "alcohol factor" .....
the difference between a fox and a dog..is only 5 pints... :shock:
Got a new job and will be starting Monday.....
well, my turn, im almost 40 (october) i have been in the army, travelled abroad working in buger king, pubs and bars, learnt Danish, took a degree and travelled sum more, met loads of people, had a daughter, had great fun all round......and my life changes daily.....ve bin in IT , learnt to plaster ....BUT all along ive had a great time its bin hard at times, gained friends and lost some along the way.....but whatever you decide to do....enjoy it, dont regret it and remember you only get one chance ......