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4 days ago
Straight Male, 54
0 miles · Buckinghamshire


Have taken part before but rarely in the country now. Here for the next 3 weeks though!

Yes have done it several times and loved it. She also occasionally makes me eat my own too

Hello all, male in Wendover looking for fun Saturday day/night with fem or couple. Please message me for further info
P x
Hello there- really enjoyed the Xtasia meet so please put me down for this
Hello all- just wanted to say I really enjoyed last night- thank you to all who made feel welcome and took pity on a single male standing looking lost and spoke to me. lol
It was great to put some names to faces or boobs and I look forward to seeing you all again soon- I promise to be less shy next time wink (Think I may have to sort out a hotel early next time so I can get some dutch courage !)
Phil x
Hi there- I will be coming on friday so please put me down on the list. As this will be my first club visit please be gentle/ not so gentle with me !!! lol
I know I haven't been in here for a while but saw this and just wanted to add my congratulations to you both x
I agree that the sense of community does seem to have lessened. sad
I just wondered whether we wasting everyones time by being part of the site- as per the original starter comment.
Quote by Jas-Tim
They might not be looking to meet at the moment - just enjoying the site.

We don't have an add although we do have a completed profile. Despite all this we have no friends sad
Both my wife and I enjoy reading the forums (most of the time when they are not moans) and reading the stories. Although we don't always contribute to discussions we do from time to time. If thats a problem maybe we should leave although we do appreciate being able to dip our toes in the water.
Well done and good luck smile I've now been smoke free for 10 months. ONe of the things I found useful was free from this website.

If you download the quitmeter it measures how many days you have quit, the money you have saved and the 'life' you have saved. Hope this is as helpful to you as it was too me :)
Quote by jin55
its very difficult to please your lady all the time. i took mine out for tea and biscuits yesterday. she loved the tea and biscuits but was not that keen on giving blood. so you see nothings perfect.
bony tony

rotflmao :rotflmao:
There's no pleasing some people. :giggle:
I don't know what it is but seeing you both above me makes me totally lose the thread of the conversation. :smitten: :inlove:
I think I going to have to get Mrs Triptix some kinky boots !! :smitten: passionkiss
Quote by seanthomas1981
(2) whoever said the white thing is clearly a comedian and should try and do some stand up.

Well I thought it was funny biggrin
The kids and I have been tracking him for the past couple of hours now. We then had a big discussion about what we could leave for him. There was a big panic at one point when we couldn't find the carrots but all is well now (I blame Mrs Triptix for hiding them as a) they seem quite big b) she knew where they were and c) she wasn't happy about letting them go- seems she had other designs with them lol
Kids are safely tucked in and desperately listening out for him :lol:
There is a badge available for those that attend munches. I haven't seen one but hope one day to attend so I can get one. If you look above there is a sticky about it.
I've often wondered about who in my local community is a swinger biggrin
I tend to agree with alot of the posters about the dumbing down of tv. I must admit I do like the West Wing and the Law and Order programmes from America but thats about it biggrin
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert biggrin
First one to post can have my go and I promise when I break up for the holiday I will learn how to post pics.
I can't see the last picture but I'm pretty sure I know what the answer is. Only problem is that I don't know how to post pictures on here sad
Does it have Guy Pearce in ? Wife is a big fan of this film. rolleyes
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
Here's how I worked it out in 3 easy step:
1. Pic sat Ant & Decs Takeaway
2. We Know DaveJ's crap
3. There's a TV programme call Ant & Decs Saturday Night Takeaway

Aah ......... it all starts to make sense in a very scary kind of way :giggle:
I think I need to go lie down now :giggle:
Quote by davej
Boys ................. HLB was first smackbottom
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: but...but.... :shock: nooo :shock: how :shock: :shock: but...but.... :crazy:
She cheated Dave lol
Foiled again. :(
Just seen what happened. lol The lengths some people will go :lol:
I guess I'm too trusting. redface