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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 53
Bisexual Female, 52


Bloody shame we can't make this one
but would like to add if anyone reads this thread and thinking of going to a social ether for the 1st time or as never tried this one we would say get your names down because this one is up there with the best.
Hope to see you all again soon
The wades worship:cheers:passionkiss
Big thanks for another great macc social it was fantastic as always meeting up with friends old and new
Hi H can you put us as confirmed hotel booked and i know that early for us lol
Big thanks to nwc worship for a great night was fantastic catching up with everyone we're just about recovering :therethere: lol
Hope to see you all soon kiss:kiss:
A huge thank you to HnS for organizing one hell of a great social :cheers::cheers: and mr&mrs devs for the music worship.
We had a great night.
It was fantastic as always catching up with old friends and getting to meet new ones.
Thanks again see you all again soon. xxx
Quote by HnS
Under 4 hours to go :eeek:
can we start to get excited now ? dunno

under 4 hrs :eeek: I've not even had a shave yet :lol:
and yes you can but don't get too excited i said i'd buy you 1 beer no more :lol:
Cya all later we cant wait :bounce:drinkies:drinkies:
Sorry but we cant make it bloody babysitter got a works do that night. Have a great time all hope to catch up with you all sometime soon.
Any room for 2 strangers that have found there way back to sh. Pretty please with knobs on and can you send us hotel details thanks kiss
We had a brill time thanks mrsb kiss and ok mite as well say thanks to Mr as well :lol2: was a pleasure as always seeing all the bbw regs and meeting new ones and we hope you enjoyed your birthday do as much as us two.
Hope to see you soon
mr & mrs wade passionkiss
We would like to thank all involved for a great night it was great as always catching up with everyone we know some we've not seen in a long time and really nice to see and meet some new peeps if we did not get chance to say hi to you sorry and feel free to kick our arse's next time you see us lol
Big thanks and cheers hns :cheers:
hope to see you all at the next one
:bounce::bounce::bounce: Can you add me and my better half to the list please if only to see if hanging round somebody more mature rubs off on me :lol2: and can we have accom details please passionkiss
big thanks to jen and mandy for another great do kiss was great catching up with you all again looking forward the next 1 already lol
Quote by Chris-1977
Speaking as a man. And possibly one of the only celebate men on here (if you believe all the profiles lol) And also being and ex officer and a very honest speaking gentleman. I'm not sure you will like what I have to say but the fact is, maybe not as many guys are turned on by "large" ladies as you might think. I have tried to say it as sensitively as I can, but I'm affraid its true.

Personally I think that is aload of rubbish, I believe theres alot of men out there that are turned on by the ''large'' lady. Ok maybe they wouldnt go down the local with their mates and cheer on the larger lady walkin to the bar, but i rekon theres alot more guys than you think that are into BBW's
Ive never felt 2nd best at a club, there is always some one for everyone out there and yes when you go to a club you cant always be everyones cup of tea whether you fat, thin, small boobs big boobs etc. If you have the confidence you can always have the upper hand in any situation.
I respect your honesty charlie88, unfortunately kinky I have to agree with him. Yes there are a lot of men who are turned on by the larger lady but the point he was making is the majority would prefer a slimmer women/man (remember a lot of women don't like big men either) and I don't mean a catwalk model type! If given the choice of a healthy size or someone who is (I don't like to use the term) morbidly obese then I'm pretty confident that the majority or the UK population (remember this is my opinion and that I work in a predominantly male environment and that 51%=majority) would prefer the slimmer person.
Kinky If given the choice to sleep with a chipendale or an overweight, middle aged man who would you choose? Remember we're talking about physical attraction here not personality.
Bloody hell i go away for a bit and look what happens you lot start getting all serious smackbottom But and as you lot know i like big buts lol here is my point of view on the club v's bbw topic big or small it all depends on what clubs you go and who you go with and what you expect like someone did say earlier in this thread cameron you need to get on some of the bbw nights and i do have to agree with chris it is down to physical attraction at 1st but a personalty does help alot ...........Right can we all get back to doin what we do best pervin and shaggin :lickface:hump:grin:
Quote by Miss_B_Having
Life certainly gets in the way sometimes - doesn't look like I'll be able to make it :sad: I've a room booked for the Friday and a room booked for the Saturday if anyone would like to buy for details x

Quote by sheer_gloss
hey apey leave some room for replies. or a slapped arse will be in order smackbottom

rotflmao:rotflmao: Me getting in to trouble :grin: We've not even got there and your in trouble already ape m8 :lol2::lol2:
Quote by the_ape
Damn I got all excited at the thought then :twisted:
Hi, can we come to Oxford please. It will be our first ever social, so could you let us know how to pay, and let me know some hotels please.
Theresa & Simon xxx

Yay will b fab to meet you both ooow my birthday just gets better. bring on Oxford :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Yes same here will be gud to meet you both. Oh and kinks cant think of what to get you for your birthday so will a shag do?? :Pboinkrotflmao:rotflmao:biggrin:D
long over due mr wadey x x x
EDIT : ^^^ typed by kinks... no one start gettin ideas lol
yeah sorry blonde moment was on wrong username x x x
:eeek: Thank feck for that i thought then for a min i'd made another promise :kick: Dont you think i've got enough to make good on already :silly::rotflmao::rotflmao:
Thank fek we got that sorted ;)
Soddit then... Mr Wadey, lube up and bend over ;) We can call it Nikki's buffday pressy and save a couple quid lol
Not even to save money (was goin to say cos peeps know i'm a tight arse but wrong thing to say) or for the sexy Nikki but how about we team up and give Nikki somethin else for her birthday :rascal::rascal:;)
Quote by kinkybifemxx
Hi, can we come to Oxford please. It will be our first ever social, so could you let us know how to pay, and let me know some hotels please.
Theresa & Simon xxx

Yay will b fab to meet you both ooow my birthday just gets better. bring on Oxford :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Yes same here will be gud to meet you both. Oh and kinks cant think of what to get you for your birthday so will a shag do?? :Pboinkrotflmao:rotflmao:biggrin:D
long over due mr wadey x x x
EDIT : ^^^ typed by kinks... no one start gettin ideas lol
yeah sorry blonde moment was on wrong username x x x
:eeek: Thank feck for that i thought then for a min i'd made another promise :kick: Dont you think i've got enough to make good on already :silly::rotflmao::rotflmao:
Quote by lorna_2009
Hi, can we come to Oxford please. It will be our first ever social, so could you let us know how to pay, and let me know some hotels please.
Theresa & Simon xxx

Yay will b fab to meet you both ooow my birthday just gets better. bring on Oxford :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Yes same here will be gud to meet you both. Oh and kinks cant think of what to get you for your birthday so will a shag do?? :Pboinkrotflmao:rotflmao:biggrin:D aw i dunno hun, dunno me ass from me elbow @ the mo, an i think iv prob lost me room share ! youll all have a great times anyways , hope yr bk op goes well hun, tc xxx
Ok babes and ty but if u want i'll sort ur arse out then all u need to do is worry about ur elbow lol
Quote by kinkybifemxx
Hi, can we come to Oxford please. It will be our first ever social, so could you let us know how to pay, and let me know some hotels please.
Theresa & Simon xxx

Yay will b fab to meet you both ooow my birthday just gets better. bring on Oxford :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Yes same here will be gud to meet you both. Oh and kinks cant think of what to get you for your birthday so will a shag do?? :Pboinkrotflmao:rotflmao:biggrin:D
Quote by lorna_2009
ok iv saide me bit, iv explained 2 those who have asked, i tried 2 do the right thing, so as not 2 take sides with any 1!! can we let it go now,its ot life or death there is worse things happening!

Worse things happening like us waiting another 5 yrs to get to meet you hun lol
So any chance we can twist your arm and get you to change your mind and come sweet? :lol: :lol:
Quote by pumkin16542
Hi Mrs P, think we are just going to have to come along and help you celebrate wink Love your parties, they are always the best so really cant miss out on this,
See you on the 24th :wink:

lol oh thankx babe glad u enjoy
but hope it goes to plan lol and evey one enjoys but did u look at the site
to see what the price is xxxx
I have looked the tight arse's thought we mite of got a discount :upset: Oh well we'll still be there as we cant wait 69positionboinkhumpkiss:cheers: to wish you a happy birthday :lol:
Quote by lorna_2009
hiya, can i be put on the list plz, time for my second social lol

At last we meet :twisted: :lol: kiss:kiss:
Pumkin Party Partners :haha::haha::haha: sounds great. room for 2 more hun ? passionkiss
Well we defo can't miss this seen as its very close to mrsw birthday :rascal:. Can u add us please hun kiss