That idea is underway kitkat. Yes Calista, I think i may have aknowledged the room has gone, my original question has been answered. The point was it was not private, it was open to all and mainly populated by people who experienced difficulty in getting in to the main chatroom for whatever reason, but I thank you for your comments.
Well I think we have all guessed, it's not coming back, as I said earlier, each to there own, some loved it (me included) and some just missed the point. What has been shown is that there seems to be an elitism. We all have a right to feel comfortable in a situation, some are happy in a seemingly frantic room, some prefer a slower pace, with all it's faults, the beta room had, contrary to popular believe, quite a number of regulars who were sad to see it's demise.
Well there you go, Hello Christina! Knew I was'nt going mad and glad to see I'm not alone in missing 'that bloody room'. It's nice to hear from you again. And putting the comic jibes aside it shows it did have a following even if most user's found it by accident rather than by intention because they either found the main room too difficult, nigh on impossible to enter! I do on occassion use the main room(Popeye)but being an old fart(47)find it rather a trial I'm to their own I suppose.
That goes someway to explaining what happened Easy, thanx for the reply. Yes Vix, it was good, at times lol, like anything I guess, you get out of it what you put in !
Thanx libra, missed the link, and miss the room as it was ( as DJohn said ) my prefered chatroom.
Mark!!! where are you, bail me out please,confirm this 'minor' room did exist,coz I know you have been on it, although I admit it was for the most part unpopulated, it was at times good fun. Now back to my original question, where and why has it gone?
Ok, a few weeks ago the main room underwent some 'improvements', prior to this if you had scrolled down to the bottom of the page after clicking on 'chatroom' you would have found a link to a beta room... this is no longer the case.....
Hi room, please bear with me (my first post). Whats happened to the beta room? Will it return, should I order flowers? Ok, it could be tiresome, forever getting the boot, the mindless idiots, but, it could also be a laugh, and it's sadly missed.